[yocto] How to configure multi-lines under kernel_module_<modname> variables?

Koehler, Yannick yannick.koehler at hpe.com
Fri Aug 11 06:29:40 PDT 2017

I would like to have the following content under my modname.conf.  It appears that the module_conf_<modname> is a single-line variable, and I am trying using \n to add a newline character but that doesn't appear to be working.

	module_conf_modname :=  "options modname op1=0\n"
	module_conf_modname_append = "install modname /sbin/modprobe 2ndmodname; /sbin/modprobe -ignore-install modname $CMDLINE_OPTS"

Result in the following file content

	options modname opt1=0\ninstall modname /sbin/modprobe 2ndmodname; /sbin/modprobe -ignore-install modname $CMDLINE_OPTS


	options modname opt1=0
	install modname /sbin/modprobe 2ndmodname; /sbin/modprobe -ignore-install modname $CMDLINE_OPTS

Any help appreciated.

Yannick Koehler

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