[yocto] populate_sysroot error, need SSTATE_DUPWHITELIST variable. How?

Burton, Ross ross.burton at intel.com
Mon May 23 02:20:53 PDT 2016

On 22 May 2016 at 22:19, Bjorn Sorensen <bsoren at hotmail.com> wrote:

> Its the other way around, actually libftdi builds eeprom. I am still a
> newbie with Yocto and dont have the knowledge to manipulate the builds from
> the recipe like you suggested.
> Although I managed the workaround by adding the SSTATE_DUPWHITELIST
> variable to the recipe and list the conflicting files in the list.
> it all worked out!

Did it work on the target?  You've now got two target packages that contain
the same files, so you'll have to be careful that they don't get installed
at the same time, or diverge.  If libftdi builds eeprom, then why do you
need another recipe for ftdi-eeprom?

It really would be best to fix the packaging, instead of working around
broken packaging with SSTATE_DUPWHITELIST.

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