[yocto] populate_sysroot error, need SSTATE_DUPWHITELIST variable. How?

Bjorn Sorensen bsoren at hotmail.com
Sat May 21 16:52:44 PDT 2016

Hi,I need to have two separate recipes for "libftdi" and "ftdi-eeprom" in my meta layer, which both of them are build dependencies for one package. The issue is that the said packages are actually in one tarball and when I build "libftdi" it builds both of them. So then when the "ftdi-eeprom" recipe gets called and tries to install its files, I get a "populate_sysroot" error.
I read the error and looks like that I need to set a SSTATE_DUPWHITELIST to allow the files to be written over the others (since they are basically the same files just from two recipes). 
I dont know how & where to configure this variable. Also could not find any documentation about SSTATE_DUPWHITELIST either. I would highly appreciate if somebody could help me with that or give me instructions.
Error:ERROR: The recipe ftdi-eeprom is trying to install files into a shared area when those files already exist. Those files and their manifest location are:
 Matched in manifest-beaglebone-libftdi.populate_sysroot
 Matched in manifest-beaglebone-libftdi.populate_sysroot
 Matched in manifest-beaglebone-libftdi.populate_sysroot
 Matched in manifest-beaglebone-libftdi.populate_sysroot
 Matched in manifest-beaglebone-libftdi.populate_sysroot
 Matched in manifest-beaglebone-libftdi.populate_sysroot
 Matched in manifest-beaglebone-libftdi.populate_sysroot
 Matched in manifest-beaglebone-libftdi.populate_sysroot
 Matched in manifest-beaglebone-libftdi.populate_sysroot
 Matched in manifest-beaglebone-libftdi.populate_sysroot
 Matched in manifest-beaglebone-libftdi.populate_sysroot
 Matched in manifest-beaglebone-libftdi.populate_sysroot
 Matched in manifest-beaglebone-libftdi.populate_sysroot
 Matched in manifest-beaglebone-libftdi.populate_sysroot
 Matched in manifest-beaglebone-libftdi.populate_sysroot
 Matched in manifest-beaglebone-libftdi.populate_sysroot
Please verify which recipe should provide the above files.
The build has stopped as continuing in this scenario WILL break things, if not now, possibly in the future (we've seen builds fail several months later).... output deleted.Thanks a lot! 		 	   		  
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