[yocto] machine arch files for Jetson TX1 (Quad-core ARMCortex-A57 MPCore Processor)

Matt Madison matt at madison.systems
Mon May 16 07:47:10 PDT 2016

On Mon, May 16, 2016 at 6:09 AM, Philip Balister <philip at balister.org> wrote:
> On 05/15/2016 01:29 PM, Matt Madison wrote:
>> On 15 May 2016, at 04:25 , Jack Mitchell <ml at embed.me.uk> wrote:
>>> On 14/05/16 23:46, Paul Knopf wrote:
>>>> This is what I am thinking.
>>>> DEFAULTTUNE = "cortexa9hf"
>>>> require conf/machine/include/tune-cortexa9.inc
>>>> Does this sound right? I am using "hf" because in the crosstools-ng
>>>> has CT_ARCH_FLOAT="hard", and cortexa9 because of
>>>> CT_ARCH_CPU="cortex-a9" and CT_ARCH_TUNE="cortex-a9".
>>>> Sorry, I'm that familiar with embedded processors. Any guidance would
>>>> be greatly appreciated.
>>>> <snip>
>>> Someone has already started having a go.
>>> https://github.com/watatuki/meta-jetson-tx1
>>> Easiest way to check for support in OE is to google meta + devboard name. Usually turns something up :)
>> There’s also https://github.com/madisongh/meta-tegra.
> Please add your layers to the layer index as soon as possible so people
> can search there. This helps prevent duplicate layers.

Thanks for reminding me.  I held off initially, until I had enough
content and testing done, but it's in not-too-bad shape right now.  I
just submitted this and another layer I've been working on.


> Any chance the TX1 people can combine efforts so we only have one bsp
> for this board?
> Philip
>> -Matt
>>> Cheers,
>>> Jack.
>>> ---
>>> Jack Mitchell
>>> Embedded Linux Consultant
>>> www.tuxable.co.uk
>>> --
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