[yocto] Error in spec file (bad %description of dev package)

Jonathan Poulin jopoulin at gmail.com
Sat May 14 06:40:02 PDT 2016


I have a packaging problem with the new share lib recipe I try to make.
When I bitbake the recipe I get the correct package split :

# tree
|-- libtime64
|   `-- usr
|       `-- lib
|           |-- libtime64.so.1 -> /home/ ...
|           `-- libtime64.so.1.0.1
|-- libtime64-dbg
|   `-- usr
|       |-- lib
|       `-- src
|           `-- debug
|               `-- libtime64
|                   `-- 1.0.1-r0
|                       `-- libtime64-1.0.1
|                           |-- inc
|                           |   `-- time64.h
|                           `-- src
|                               `-- time64.c
|-- libtime64-dev
|   `-- usr
|       |-- include
|       |   |-- axt_2038.h
|       |   `-- time64.h
|       `-- lib
|           `-- libtime64.so -> /home/ ...
|-- libtime64-doc
|-- libtime64-locale
|-- libtime64-staticdev
`-- libtime64.shlibdeps

I include "libtime64" in IMAGE_INSTALL but only the main package and the
dbg package are produced and the main package contain the content of the
dev package.
- libtime64-1-1.0.1-r0.cortexa9hf_vfp_neon.rpm
- libtime64-dbg-1.0.1-r0.cortexa9hf_vfp_neon.rpm

I found an error in the spec file for the dev package, the %package and
%description are misnamed. Below an extract of the spec file:

%package -n libtime64-1
Summary: Time64 library (support 2038 patch) - Development files
Group: devel
Requires: libtime64-1 = 1.0.1-r0
Suggests: libc6-dev
Provides: libtime64-dev

%description -n libtime64-1
Time64 library (support 2038 patch).  This package contains symbolic links,
header files, and related items necessary for software development.


%files -n libtime64-1
%dir "/usr"
%dir "/usr/lib"
%dir "/usr/include"

%files -n libtime64-1
%dir "/usr"
%dir "/usr/lib"


I use Yocto Dizzy on a ubuntu 14.04.

Someone already see this problem ? Any idea to solve it ?

Jonathan Poulin
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