[yocto] [OE-core] [oe] OEDAM, April 8 in San Diego after ELC

Philip Balister philip at balister.org
Thu Mar 24 11:10:41 PDT 2016

We are up to fifteen now and as noted will have some off site attendees
and late sign ups.


On 03/23/2016 02:11 PM, Fred Ollinger wrote:
> I'm coming and I'm probably brining another person.
> I still have to make the wiki account which failed for some reason before.
> Frederick
> ________________________________________
> From: yocto-bounces at yoctoproject.org <yocto-bounces at yoctoproject.org> on behalf of Trevor Woerner <twoerner at gmail.com>
> Sent: Wednesday, March 23, 2016 2:08 PM
> To: akuster808; openembedded-devel at lists.openembedded.org; openembedded-core; Yocto Project; openembedded-members at lists.openembedded.org
> Subject: Re: [yocto] [OE-core] [oe] OEDAM, April 8 in San Diego after ELC
> On Wed 2016-03-23 @ 09:36:40 AM, akuster808 wrote:
>> There are only 10 people signed up.
>> Is that enough people to justify the expense room or even meet?
> I have no idea what the budget might be or what a room might cost. I'll leave
> it to those who do know to worry about the costs versus the benefits.
> In any case I certainly think it's still worth meeting. A smaller, more
> focused group can sometimes get more done than a larger group. Secondly, it's
> my experience that more people always show up than sign up.
> With a project like this there will always be things to discuss, and sometimes
> a discussion goes better in person rather than online.
> Best regards,
>         Trevor
> --
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