[yocto] Upgrade from Daisy to Jethro -> Hardware Problems (Device Tree)

Ruben Schwarz r.schwarz at sotec.eu
Fri Mar 18 01:32:26 PDT 2016


we have a customized hardware based on Beaglebone Black. We created an BSP
Layer with daisy and everything worked fine.

Now we decided to upgrade our yocto sources from daisy (Kernel 3.14.4) to
jethro (Kernel 4.1.15).

I adjusted the Kernel patches to work with new sources. The system boots
but the network interfaces aren't available.
ip a shows only the loopback interface.

I see that the Kernel Image changed from uImage to zImage. Device Tree
files are used as an the previous build.

Does anybody know if I have to change the device tree files to work with
the new Kernel? Any other ideas how to solve this problem?

Best regards


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