[yocto] Enable a recipe/package only when other dependent recipe/package is part of image.

Valluri, Amarnath amarnath.valluri at intel.com
Fri Apr 22 04:09:19 PDT 2016


I have my own layer, that provides configuration packages for core Linux components, for example 'connman-conf' for 'connman' package.

I would like to provide a pakcagegroup-config, that should automatically select the configuration packages that are part of image configuration. Say if 'connman' is part of image then it should add 'connman-conf' to its RDEPENDS_${PN}.

For this I try to use 'oe.packagedata.pkgmap', to check if the core component exists as below:
def check_if_enabled(comp, trueval, d):
   import oe.packagedata
   pkgmap = oe.packagedata.pkgmap(d)

   if pkgmap is not None and pkgmap.get(comp) is not None:
      return trueval

   return ""

RDEPENDS_${PN} = " \
   ${@check_if_enabled("connman", "connman-conf", d)} \

This works as expected when the packagedata is available, i.e., image is build at least once first, then my layer is added to BBLAYERS and then rebuild the image.
But this fails when there is no packagedata cache available.

Can someone help me to resolve this properly.

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