[yocto] bbappend file causes php package to disappear

Matt Schuckmann Matt.Schuckmann at planar.com
Tue Jan 6 13:14:27 PST 2015

I've been fighting a problem where bitbake can't find the php package during the do_rootfs task and I've determined that it has something to do with the bbappend file I added to my layer for php. 

The problem is with my bbappend file (php_5.4.14.bbappend) no ipk package gets created for the php package, the php-cli, php-cgi, php-dev, etc packages all get created and install fine but there is nothing for plain old php. I'd be fine with this since I'm really only interested in the php-cgi package but I want to be able create a sdk via populate_sdk which will include the php-dev package which depends on the php package. 

My bbappend file is below without it in my layer everything works fine. My intent for the bbappend was to remove some features that I'm not using to make the image smaller. I'm working on the with the Arago distribution on the Dylan release. 
Can anyone help me figure out what's going? 

Matt S. 

# look for files in this layer first

PR_append = "-mzs0"

DEPENDS := "${@oe_filter_out('mysql5', '${DEPENDS}', d)}"
DEPENDS := "${@oe_filter_out('sqlite3', '${DEPENDS}', d)}"

EXTRA_OECONF := "${@oe_filter_out('--with-mysql', '${EXTRA_OECONF}', d)}"
EXTRA_OECONF := "${@oe_filter_out('--with-mysqli', '${EXTRA_OECONF}', d)}"
EXTRA_OECONF := "${@oe_filter_out('--with-pdo-mysql', '${EXTRA_OECONF}', d)}"
EXTRA_OECONF := "${@oe_filter_out('--with-sqlite3', '${EXTRA_OECONF}', d)}"
EXTRA_OECONF := "${@oe_filter_out('--enable-sqlite-utf8', '${EXTRA_OECONF}', d)}"
EXTRA_OECONF := "${@oe_filter_out('--with-pdo-sqlite', '${EXTRA_OECONF}', d)}"
EXTRA_OECONF := "${@oe_filter_out('--enable-wddx', '${EXTRA_OECONF}', d)}"

EXTRA_OECONF =+ " --without-pear --disable-phar "

do_install_prepend_pn-php() {
    # Add everything below even though we aren't going to use it.
    # do_install will complain and fail if these aren't found.
    install -d ${D}/${sysconfdir}/
    touch ${D}${sysconfdir}/pear.conf
    install -d ${D}/${TMPDIR}

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