[yocto] [PATCH 1/2] toaster-manual: Remove commented content

Ed Bartosh ed.bartosh at linux.intel.com
Fri Dec 18 03:00:08 PST 2015

From: Belen Barros Pena <belen.barros.pena at intel.com>

A couple of old sections that no longer apply were commented out. Remove
the content, since it is obsolete.

Signed-off-by: Belen Barros Pena <belen.barros.pena at intel.com>
Signed-off-by: Ed Bartosh <ed.bartosh at linux.intel.com>
 .../toaster-manual-setup-and-use.xml               | 910 ---------------------
 1 file changed, 910 deletions(-)

diff --git a/documentation/toaster-manual/toaster-manual-setup-and-use.xml b/documentation/toaster-manual/toaster-manual-setup-and-use.xml
index 75aaea8..cf9de31 100644
--- a/documentation/toaster-manual/toaster-manual-setup-and-use.xml
+++ b/documentation/toaster-manual/toaster-manual-setup-and-use.xml
@@ -422,816 +422,6 @@
-<!--    <section id='using-toaster-in-analysis-mode'>
-        <title>Using Toaster in Analysis Mode</title>
-        <para>
-            This section describes how to use Toaster in Analysis Mode
-            after setting Toaster up as a local instance or as a hosted
-            service.
-        </para>
-        <section id='setting-up-locally-and-running-in-analysis-mode'>
-            <title>Setting Up Locally and Running in Analysis Mode</title>
-            <para>
-                Follow these steps to set up a local instance of Toaster and
-                then run in Analysis Mode:
-                <orderedlist>
-                    <listitem><para><emphasis>Prepare your Build System:</emphasis>
-                        Be sure your system has the Toaster requirements
-                        by following the steps in the
-                        "<link linkend='toaster-establishing-toaster-system-dependencies'>Establishing Toaster System Dependencies</link>"
-                        section.
-                        </para></listitem>
-                    <listitem><para><emphasis>Get Set Up to Use the Yocto Project:</emphasis>
-                        Get the requirements set up so that you can use the
-                        Yocto Project to build images.
-                        See the
-                        "<ulink url='&YOCTO_DOCS_QS_URL;#yp-resources'>Setting Up to Use the Yocto Project</ulink>"
-                        section in the Yocto Project Quick Start for information.
-                        </para></listitem>
-                    <listitem><para><emphasis>Source your Build Environment Setup Script:</emphasis>
-                        From your
-                        <ulink url='&YOCTO_DOCS_DEV_URL;#source-directory'>Source Directory</ulink>
-                        (e.g. <filename>poky/build</filename>), source the build
-                        environment setup script
-                        <ulink url="&YOCTO_DOCS_REF_URL;#structure-core-script"><filename>&OE_INIT_FILE;</filename></ulink>
-                        or
-                        <ulink url="&YOCTO_DOCS_REF_URL;#structure-memres-core-script"><filename>oe-init-build-env-memres</filename></ulink>.
-                        </para></listitem>
-                    <listitem><para><emphasis>Start Toaster:</emphasis>
-                        From the
-                        <ulink url='&YOCTO_DOCS_DEV_URL;#build-directory'>Build Directory</ulink>,
-                        start Toaster:
-                        <literallayout class='monospaced'>
-     $ source toaster start
-                        </literallayout>
-                        </para></listitem>
-                    <listitem><para><emphasis>Start Your Build Using BitBake:</emphasis>
-                        Use the <filename>bitbake</filename> command to start your
-                        build.
-                        Here is an example that builds the
-                        <filename>core-image-minimal</filename> image:
-                        <literallayout class='monospaced'>
-     $ bitbake core-image-minimal
-                        </literallayout>
-                        </para></listitem>
-                    <listitem><para><emphasis>Open Your Browser:</emphasis>
-                        Open your browser and visit
-                        <filename>http://host:port/toastergui</filename>.
-                        For host and port values, see the output of the
-                        <filename>source toaster start</filename> command.
-                        For information on how to use Toaster, see the
-                        "<link linkend='using-the-toaster-web-interface'>Using the Toaster Web Interface</link>"
-                        section.
-                        </para></listitem>
-                </orderedlist>
-            </para>
-            <para>
-            </para>
-        </section>
-        <section id='setting-up-a-hosted-service-and-running-in-analysis-mode'>
-            <title>Setting Up a Hosted Service and Running in Analysis Mode</title>
-            <para>
-                A hosted service resides on a shared server and allows
-                multiple users to take advantage of Toaster.
-            </para>
-            <para>
-                In a production environment, you might want to have multiple
-                local instances of the Toaster Logging Interface running on
-                various remote build machines, and have those local instances
-                access and use a single web server.
-                To do this, you need to do the following:
-                <itemizedlist>
-                    <listitem><para>
-                        Maintain a common SQL database.
-                        </para></listitem>
-                    <listitem><para>
-                        Set up separate instances of BitBake servers
-                        and Toaster Logging Interfaces for each of those
-                        separate BitBake servers.
-                        </para></listitem>
-                </itemizedlist>
-            </para>
-            <para>
-                The common SQL database allows the Web server to show data from
-                all the various BitBake builds.
-                Setting the SQL database outside of any
-                <ulink url='&YOCTO_DOCS_DEV_URL;#build-directory'>Build Directory</ulink>
-                maintains a separation between the various builds.
-                The BitBake servers, the SQL server, and the Web server or
-                servers can be run on separate machines.
-            </para>
-            <para>
-                Follow these steps to set up and run a hosted service and run
-                Toaster in Analysis Mode:
-                <note>
-                    The steps assume a Toaster installation path of
-                    <filename>/opt/bitbake/</filename>.
-                </note>
-                <orderedlist>
-                    <listitem><para><emphasis>Prepare your Build System:</emphasis>
-                        Be sure your system has the Toaster requirements
-                        by following the steps in the
-                        "<link linkend='toaster-establishing-toaster-system-dependencies'>Establishing Toaster System Dependencies</link>"
-                        section.
-                        </para></listitem>
-                    <listitem><para><emphasis>Get Set Up to Use the Yocto Project:</emphasis>
-                        Get the requirements set up so that you can use the
-                        Yocto Project to build images.
-                        See the
-                        "<ulink url='&YOCTO_DOCS_QS_URL;#yp-resources'>Setting Up to Use the Yocto Project</ulink>"
-                        section in the Yocto Project Quick Start for information.
-                        </para></listitem>
-                    <listitem><para><emphasis>Install and Set up the Database Server:</emphasis>
-                        You can use any SQL server out of the box.
-                        It is recommended that you use
-                        <filename>mysql-server</filename> because it has
-                        the advantages of advanced SQL features along with a
-                        fast and reliable database.
-                        However, setting up <filename>mysql-server</filename>
-                        is more complex and might require a Database
-                        Administrator to tune it.</para>
-                        <para>Another supported database backend is
-                        <filename>sqlite3</filename>.
-                        With <filename>sqlite3</filename>, you have the
-                        advantage of no configuration and an easy installation.
-                        However, Toaster still requires direct access to the
-                        backend.
-                        The <filename>sqlite</filename> backend is also slower
-                        as compared to <filename>mysql-server</filename>, and
-                        has no transactional support.</para>
-                        <para>You should set up proper username and password
-                        access on the shared database for everyone that will
-                        be using Toaster.
-                        You need administrator rights for the root account,
-                        which is not the same thing as root access on the
-                        machine.
-                        Here is an example that installs
-                        <filename>mysql-server</filename> and sets up
-                        some user accounts and the database.
-                        <literallayout class='monospaced'>
-     $ apt-get install mysql-server
-     $ mysql -u root
-     mysql> CREATE USER 'newuser'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'password';
-     mysql> GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON * . * TO 'newuser'@'localhost';
-     mysql> GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON * . * TO 'newuser'@'localhost';
-     mysql> CREATE DATABASE 'toaster';
-                        </literallayout>
-                        You need a separate clone of the
-                        <ulink url='&YOCTO_DOCS_DEV_URL;#source-repositories'>Source Repositories</ulink>
-                        for the Database Server.
-                        This clone is only used for getting the latest Toaster
-                        files.
-                        You can set this up using the following Git command.
-                        Be sure to set up the directory outside of any
-                        Build Directories.
-                        <literallayout class='monospaced'>
-     $ git clone git://git.yoctoproject.org/poky
-                        </literallayout>
-                        In the separately cloned tree for the Database Server,
-                        edit the
-                        <filename>bitbake/lib/toaster/toastermain/settings.py</filename>
-                        file so that the <filename>DATABASES</filename> value
-                        points to the previously created database server.
-                        Use the username and password established
-                        earlier.
-                        Here is an example:
-                        <literallayout class='monospaced'>
-     $ cat /opt/bitbake/lib/toaster/toastermain/settings.py
-        ...
-     DATABASES = {
-         'default': {
-             'ENGINE': 'django.db.backends.mysql',
-             'NAME': 'toaster',
-             'USER': 'newuser',
-             'PASSWORD': 'password',
-             'HOST': '',
-             'PORT': '3306',
-         }
-        ...
-                        </literallayout>
-                        </para></listitem>
-                    <listitem><para><emphasis>Install and Set Up the Web Server:</emphasis>
-                        For a production environment, it is recommended that
-                        you install and set up a front-end web server.
-                        This server allows for load balancing and
-                        multi-threading over Toaster and
-                        <ulink url='https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/1.7/howto/deployment/wsgi/'><filename>django</filename> WSGI</ulink>.
-                        Here is an example that uses Apache web server.
-                        <literallayout class='monospaced'>
-     $ apt-get install apache2 libapache2-mod-wsgi
-     $ a2enmod wsgi
-     $ cat /etc/apache2/sites-available/000-default.conf
-        ...
-     # the WSGIPythonPath is global
-     WSGIPythonPath /opt/bitbake/lib/toaster/
-        ...
-     #snip - in VirtualHost
-     WSGIScriptAlias / /opt/bitbake/lib/toaster/toastermain/wsgi.py
-     <Directory //opt/bitbake/lib/toaster/toastermain/>
-         <Files wsgi.py>
-             Require all granted
-         </Files>
-     </Directory>
-        ...
-                        </literallayout>
-                        You need to collect static media from Toaster and
-                        continue configuring Apache to serve that static
-                        media:
-                        <literallayout class='monospaced'>
-     $ mkdir /var/www.html/static && cd /var/www.html/static
-     $ /opt/bitbake/lib/toaster/manage.py collectstatic
-     $ cat /etc/apache2/sites-available/000-default.conf
-        ...
-     # in VirtualHost, AHEAD of the WSGIScriptAlias definition
-     Alias /static/ /var/www.html/static/
-     <Directory /var/www.html/static/>
-     Require all granted
-     </Directory>
-        ...
-     WSGIScript Alias / /opt/bitbake/lib/toaster/toastermain/wsgi.py
-        ...
-                        </literallayout>
-                        </para></listitem>
-                    <listitem><para><emphasis>Start Toaster:</emphasis>
-                        Synchronize the databases for toaster, and then start
-                        up the web server.
-                        Here is an example that continues with the assumed
-                        components from the previous steps:
-                        <literallayout class='monospaced'>
-     $ /opt/bitbake/lib/toaster/manage.py syncdb
-     $ /opt/bitbake/lib/toaster/manage.py migrate orm
-     $ /opt/bitbake/lib/toaster/manage.py migrate bldcontrol
-     $ service apache2 restart
-                        </literallayout>
-                        You can find general documentation on
-                        <filename>manage.py</filename> at the
-                        <ulink url='https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/1.7/ref/django-admin/'>Django</ulink>
-                        site.
-                        For reference information on Toaster-specific
-                        <filename>manage.py</filename> commands,
-                        see the
-                        "<link linkend='toaster-useful-commands'>Useful Commands</link>"
-                        section.
-                        </para></listitem>
-                    <listitem><para><emphasis>Enable Build Logging to the Common SQL Server for Each Build Directory you are Using:</emphasis>
-                        You need to make sure that the
-                        <ulink url='&YOCTO_DOCS_REF_URL;#ref-classes-toaster'><filename>toaster</filename></ulink>
-                        class and build history are enabled.
-                        This is done in a
-                        <filename>toaster.conf</filename> file that is
-                        created automatically by the toaster
-                        <filename>start</filename> command,
-                        and that lives inside the
-                        <ulink url='&YOCTO_DOCS_DEV_URL;#build-directory'>Build Directory</ulink>
-                        in <filename>/conf/toaster.conf</filename>.</para>
-                        <para>That file should include the following line:
-                        <literallayout class='monospaced'>
-     INHERIT += "toaster buildhistory"
-                        </literallayout>
-                        For information on build history, see the
-                        "<ulink url='&YOCTO_DOCS_REF_URL;#maintaining-build-output-quality'>Maintaining Build Output Quality</ulink>"
-                        section in the Yocto Project Development
-                        Manual.</para>
-                        <para>You also need to point to the database that you set
-                        up in step 3.
-                        You can do this by exporting the <filename>DATABASE_URL</filename>
-                        variable as follows:
-                        <literallayout class='monospaced'>
-     export DATABASE_URL=mysql://newuser:password@
-                        </literallayout>
-                        This example assumes that you are using
-                        <filename>mysql-server</filename>.
-                        The IP address should be the IP address of your
-                        database server.
-                        </para></listitem>
-                    <listitem><para><emphasis>Source your Build Environment Setup Script:</emphasis>
-                        From your
-                        <ulink url='&YOCTO_DOCS_DEV_URL;#source-directory'>Source Directory</ulink>
-                        on each of the build systems,
-                        (e.g. <filename>poky/build</filename>), source the
-                        build environment setup script (i.e.
-                        <ulink url="&YOCTO_DOCS_REF_URL;#structure-core-script"><filename>&OE_INIT_FILE;</filename></ulink>
-                        or
-                        <ulink url="&YOCTO_DOCS_REF_URL;#structure-memres-core-script"><filename>oe-init-build-env-memres</filename></ulink>).
-                        </para></listitem>
-                    <listitem><para><emphasis>Start the BitBake Server:</emphasis>
-                        Start the BitBake server using the following command:
-                        <literallayout class='monospaced'>
-     $ bitbake ‐‐postread conf/toaster.conf ‐‐server-only -t xmlrpc -B localhost:0 && export BBSERVER=localhost:-1
-                        </literallayout>
-                        </para></listitem>
-                    <listitem><para><emphasis>Start the Logging Server:</emphasis>
-                        Start the Toaster Logging Interface using the following
-                        command:
-                        <literallayout class='monospaced'>
-     $ nohup bitbake ‐‐observe-only -u toasterui >toaster_ui.log &
-                        </literallayout>
-                        <note>
-                            No hard-coded ports are used in the BitBake options
-                            as there is enough code to run
-                            <filename>autodiscovery</filename> for BitBake
-                            ports.
-                            Doing so prevents collisions.
-                        </note>
-                        </para></listitem>
-                    <listitem><para><emphasis>Start Builds Using BitBake:</emphasis>
-                        Use the <filename>bitbake</filename> command to start a
-                        build on a build system.
-                        Here is an example that builds the
-                        <filename>core-image-minimal</filename> image:
-                        <literallayout class='monospaced'>
-     $ bitbake core-image-minimal
-                        </literallayout>
-                        When you are finished with a build in a given
-                        Build Directory, be sure to <filename>kill</filename>
-                        the BitBake server for that build area:
-                        <literallayout class='monospaced'>
-     $ bitbake -m
-                        </literallayout>
-                        </para></listitem>
-                </orderedlist>
-            </para>
-            <para>
-                For information on how to use the Toaster web interface,
-                see the
-                "<link linkend='using-the-toaster-web-interface'>Using the Toaster Web Interface</link>"
-                section.
-            </para>
-        </section>
-    </section>
-    <section id='using-toaster-in-build-mode'>
-        <title>Using Toaster in Build Mode</title>
-        <para>
-            This section describes how to use Toaster in Build Mode
-            after setting Toaster up as a local instance or as a hosted
-            service.
-        </para>
-        <section id='setting-up-locally-and-running-in-build-mode'>
-            <title>Setting Up Locally and Running in Build Mode</title>
-            <para>
-                Follow these steps to set up a local instance of Toaster and
-                then run in Build Mode:
-                <orderedlist>
-                    <listitem><para><emphasis>Prepare your Build System:</emphasis>
-                        Be sure your system has the Toaster requirements
-                        by following the steps in the
-                        "<link linkend='toaster-establishing-toaster-system-dependencies'>Establishing Toaster System Dependencies</link>"
-                        section.
-                        </para></listitem>
-                    <listitem><para><emphasis>Get Set Up to Use the Yocto Project:</emphasis>
-                        Get the requirements set up so that you can use the
-                        Yocto Project to build images.
-                        See the
-                        "<ulink url='&YOCTO_DOCS_QS_URL;#yp-resources'>Setting Up to Use the Yocto Project</ulink>"
-                        section in the Yocto Project Quick Start for information.
-                        </para></listitem>
-                    <listitem><para><emphasis>Start Toaster:</emphasis>
-                        From the root of the source directory (e.g
-                        <filename>poky/</filename>), run the following command:
-                        <literallayout class='monospaced'>
-     $ bitbake/bin/toaster
-                        </literallayout>
-                        </para></listitem>
-                    <listitem><para><emphasis>Create a Superuser:</emphasis>
-                        Django will ask you if you want to create a superuser.
-                        You can skip this step, but it is recommended that you
-                        create a superuser.
-                        You can use the superuser to access the Django
-                        administration interface and make changes to the
-                        Toaster configuration.
-                        </para></listitem>
-                    <listitem><para><emphasis>Select the Build Log Directory:</emphasis>
-                        Toaster asks you to specify the directory where you
-                        want to store the build log files.
-                        Choosing a directory for these files makes sure they
-                        are always available to you.
-                        If you do not choose a directory, the logs can
-                        disappear (e.g. deleting the Build Directory).</para>
-                        <para>When Toaster prompts you for the Build Log
-                        directory, you can select the suggested default
-                        or provide a path to a different directory.
-                        </para></listitem>
-                    <listitem><para><emphasis>Specify the Layer Checkout Directory:</emphasis>
-                        Toaster asks you to specify the directory into which
-                        layers are checked out.
-                        Toaster clones any layers needed for your builds
-                        inside this directory.</para>
-                        <para>When Toaster prompts you for the Layer
-                        checkout directory, you can select the suggested
-                        default or provide a path to a different directory.
-                        </para></listitem>
-                    <listitem><para><emphasis>Specify the Build Directory Path:</emphasis>
-                        Toaster asks you to specify the path to the
-                        Build Directory.
-                        You can select the suggested default or provide a
-                        path to a different directory.
-                        </para></listitem>
-                    <listitem><para><emphasis>Choose Whether or not to Import a Default Toaster Configuration File:</emphasis>
-                        Toaster asks you if you want to import a default
-                        Toaster configuration file.
-                        Toaster configurations are stored in
-                        JSON files called
-                        <filename>toasterconf.json</filename>.
-                        For information on JSON files, see the
-                        "<link linkend='toaster-json-files'>JSON Files</link>"
-                        section.</para>
-                        <para>You can skip importing a configuration file
-                        by entering "0" at the prompt.
-                        However, it is recommended that you import one of the
-                        configuration files listed during this step.
-                        You can always amend the imported configuration during
-                        a later stage through the Django administration
-                        interface.</para>
-                        <para>For general information on Django, see the
-                        available
-                        <ulink url='https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/1.7/'>documentation</ulink>.
-                        You can also find information on Toaster-specific
-                        <filename>manage.py</filename> commands in the
-                        "<link linkend='toaster-useful-commands'>Useful Commands</link>"
-                        section.
-                        </para></listitem>
-                    <listitem><para><emphasis>Open the Browser:</emphasis>
-                        If no browser window appears, open your favorite
-                        browser and enter the following:
-                        <literallayout class='monospaced'>
-     http://localhost:8000/toastergui
-                        </literallayout>
-                        You can now use the Toaster web interface.
-                        </para></listitem>
-                </orderedlist>
-            </para>
-        </section>
-        <section id='setting-up-a-hosted-service-and-running-in-build-mode'>
-            <title>Setting Up a Hosted Service and Running in Build Mode</title>
-            <para>
-                Follow these steps to set up a hosted service and run Toaster
-                in Build Mode:
-                <orderedlist>
-                    <listitem><para><emphasis>Prepare your Build System:</emphasis>
-                        Be sure your system has the Toaster requirements
-                        by following the steps in the
-                        "<link linkend='toaster-establishing-toaster-system-dependencies'>Establishing Toaster System Dependencies</link>"
-                        section.
-                        </para></listitem>
-                    <listitem><para><emphasis>Get Set Up to Use the Yocto Project:</emphasis>
-                        Get the requirements set up so that you can use the
-                        Yocto Project to build images.
-                        See the
-                        "<ulink url='&YOCTO_DOCS_QS_URL;#yp-resources'>Setting Up to Use the Yocto Project</ulink>"
-                        section in the Yocto Project Quick Start for information.
-                        </para></listitem>
-                    <listitem><para><emphasis>Be Sure Management is Enabled:</emphasis>
-                        If you are running Toaster under Apache, you need to
-                        be sure management is enabled.
-                        To enable management, set
-                        <filename>MANAGED</filename> to "True" by adding
-                        the following to the
-                        <filename>bitbake/lib/toaster/settings.py</filename>
-                        file:
-                        <literallayout class='monospaced'>
-     MANAGED="True"
-                        </literallayout>
-                        </para></listitem>
-                    <listitem><para><emphasis>Set Up Toaster for Normal Usage:</emphasis>
-                        You need to configure each build environment, layer
-                        sources, and BitBake versions.</para>
-                        <para>Verify that your releases have been loaded correctly by
-                        using the Toaster web interface to create a new
-                        project.
-                        Check the "Releases" dropdown menu to be sure your
-                        newly specified releases exist.</para>
-                        <para>If you want to use the administration interface
-                        for this step, here is a set of example commands
-                        with some descriptions as an example:
-                        <literallayout class='monospaced'>
-     # Create the user under which the builds will run
-     $ adduser poky
-     # Bring up the administration interface
-     $xdg-open http://<replaceable>server-address</replaceable>/admin/
-     # Login with the admin user previously created
-     # Go to the BuildEnvironment object in Build Environments and
-     # set address to local host, sourcedir to /home/poky, and
-     # builddir to /home/pokybuild.
-     #
-     # Save your changes and exit
-     # Go to Home, Layer Sources and select add Layer Source
-     # Name: OpenEmbedded, Sourcetype: layerindex,
-     # Apiurl: http://layers openembedded.org/layerindex/api/
-     # Save your changes and exit
-     # Go to Home, Bitbake Versions, Add bitbake version;
-     # Take version information from: http://git.openembedded.org/bitbake/refs/heads,
-     # This example assumes "master" version.
-     # set Name: master, Giturl git://git.openembedded.org/bitbake
-     # branch master, dirpath /
-     # Save your changes and exit
-                        </literallayout>
-                        You also need to configure the project releases, the
-                        default variables, and update information from the
-                        layer index.
-                        Continuing with the example:
-                        <literallayout class='monospaced'>
-     # Go to Home, Releases, Add release
-     # set Name: master, Description: Current master release, select Bitbake Version,
-     # and Branch: master
-     # Save your changes and exit
-     # Go to Home, Toaster Settings, select the Setting for DEFAULT_RELEASE
-     # set Helptext: This selects the default release., Value: master
-     # Save your changes and exit
-     # Go to Home, Bitbake Versions, Add bitbake version;
-     # take version information from : http://git.openembedded.org/bitbake/refs/heads,
-     # this manual assumes the master version
-     # set Name: master, Giturl git://git.openembedded.org/bitbake
-     # branch master, dirpath /
-     # Save your changes and exit
-     # Update the information
-     # bitbake/lib/toaster/manage.py lsupdates
-                        </literallayout>
-                        For reference information on Toaster-specific
-                        <filename>manage.py</filename> commands, see the
-                        "<link linkend='toaster-useful-commands'>Useful Commands</link>"
-                        section.
-                        </para></listitem>
-                    <listitem><para><emphasis>Install and Set up the Database Server:</emphasis>
-                        You can use any SQL server out of the box.
-                        It is recommended that you use
-                        <filename>mysql-server</filename> because it has
-                        the advantages of advanced SQL features along with a
-                        fast and reliable database.
-                        However, setting up <filename>mysql-server</filename>
-                        is more complex and might require a Database
-                        Administrator to tune it.</para>
-                        <para>Another supported database backend is
-                        <filename>sqlite3</filename>.
-                        With <filename>sqlite3</filename>, you have the
-                        advantage of no configuration and an easy installation.
-                        However, Toaster still requires direct access to the
-                        backend.
-                        The <filename>sqlite</filename> backend is also slower
-                        as compared to <filename>mysql-server</filename>, and
-                        has no transactional support.</para>
-                        <para>You should set up proper username and password
-                        access on the shared database for everyone that will
-                        be using Toaster.
-                        You need administrator rights for the root account,
-                        which is not the same thing as root access on the
-                        machine.
-                        Here is an example that installs
-                        <filename>mysql-server</filename> and sets up
-                        some user accounts and the database.
-                        <literallayout class='monospaced'>
-     $ apt-get install mysql-server
-     $ mysql -u root
-     mysql> CREATE USER 'newuser'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'password';
-     mysql> GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON * . * TO 'newuser'@'localhost';
-     mysql> GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON * . * TO 'newuser'@'localhost';
-     mysql> CREATE DATABASE 'toaster';
-                        </literallayout>
-                        You need a separate clone of the
-                        <ulink url='&YOCTO_DOCS_DEV_URL;#source-repositories'>Source Repositories</ulink>
-                        for the Database Server.
-                        This clone is only used for getting the latest Toaster
-                        files.
-                        You can set this up using the following Git command.
-                        Be sure to set up the directory outside of any
-                        Build Directories.
-                        <literallayout class='monospaced'>
-     $ git clone git://git.yoctoproject.org/poky
-                        </literallayout>
-                        In the separately cloned tree for the Database Server,
-                        edit the
-                        <filename>bitbake/lib/toaster/toastermain/settings.py</filename>
-                        file so that the <filename>DATABASES</filename> value
-                        points to the previously created database server.
-                        Use the username and password established
-                        earlier.
-                        Here is an example:
-                        <literallayout class='monospaced'>
-     $ cat /opt/bitbake/lib/toaster/toastermain/settings.py
-        ...
-     DATABASES = {
-         'default': {
-             'ENGINE': 'django.db.backends.mysql',
-             'NAME': 'toaster',
-             'USER': 'newuser',
-             'PASSWORD': 'password',
-             'HOST': '',
-             'PORT': '3306',
-         }
-        ...
-                        </literallayout>
-                        </para></listitem>
-                    <listitem><para><emphasis>Create the Database</emphasis>
-                        Use the following commands to create the default
-                        database structure:
-                        <literallayout class='monospaced'>
-     $ bitbake/lib/toaster/manage.py syncdb
-     $ bitbake/lib/toaster/manage.py migrate orm
-     $ bitbake/lib/toaster/manage.py migrate bldcontrol
-                        </literallayout>
-                        The interface asks you if you want to create a
-                        superuser.
-                        Do not skip this step.
-                        You will use the superuser account to access the
-                        administration interface and make changes to the
-                        Toaster configuration.
-                        </para></listitem>
-                    <listitem><para><emphasis>Select Where the Build Process Takes Place:</emphasis>
-                        You need to create three directories for storing
-                        build artifacts, downloading sources, and running
-                        builds.
-                        All three directories need to be writable by
-                        the user, which is "poky" in this example.
-                        The build artifacts directory needs to readable by the
-                        apache user.
-                        You also need free disk space in the range of
-                        100 Gbytes.
-                        Following are three suggested directories:
-                        <literallayout class='monospaced'>
-     /home/poky/buildartifacts/
-     /home/poky/build/
-     /home/poky/sources/
-                        </literallayout>
-                        </para></listitem>
-                    <listitem><para><emphasis>Set Up the <filename>toasterconf.json</filename> File:</emphasis>
-                        <ulink url='https://wiki.yoctoproject.org/wiki/File:Toasterconf.json.txt.patch'>Download the hosted <filename>toasterconf.json</filename> file</ulink>
-                        from the Yocto Project wiki and edit it to suit your
-                        environment.
-                        For information on the relevant sections of the file,
-                        see the
-                        "<link linkend='toaster-json-files'>JSON Files</link>"
-                        section.</para>
-                        <para>After editing the file, load it by running
-                        the following:
-                        <literallayout class='monospaced'>
-     $ bitbake/lib/toaster/manage.py loadconf path-to-toasterconf.json-file
-                        </literallayout>
-                        For reference information on Toaster-specific
-                        <filename>manage.py</filename>, see the
-                        "<link linkend='toaster-useful-commands'>Useful Commands</link>"
-                        section.
-                        </para></listitem>
-                    <listitem><para><emphasis>Check the Toaster Settings:</emphasis>
-                        Configure the build environment by running the
-                        following:
-                        <literallayout class='monospaced'>
-     $ bitbake/lib/toaster/manage.py checksettings
-                        </literallayout>
-                        When prompted, paste in the directory paths created
-                        previously during Step 7.
-                        For reference information on Toaster-specific
-                        <filename>manage.py</filename>, see the
-                        "<link linkend='toaster-useful-commands'>Useful Commands</link>"
-                        section.
-                        </para></listitem>
-                    <listitem><para><emphasis>Install and Set Up the Web Server:</emphasis>
-                        For a production environment, it is recommended that
-                        you install and set up a front-end web server.
-                        This server allows for load balancing and
-                        multi-threading over Toaster and
-                        <ulink url='https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/1.7/howto/deployment/wsgi/'><filename>django</filename> WSGI</ulink>.
-                        Here is an example that uses Apache web server:
-                        <literallayout class='monospaced'>
-     $ apt-get install apache2 libapache2-mod-wsgi
-     $ a2enmod wsgi
-     $ cat /etc/apache2/sites-available/000-default.conf
-        ...
-     # the WSGIPythonPath is global
-     WSGIPythonPath /opt/bitbake/lib/toaster/
-        ...
-     #snip - in VirtualHost
-     WSGIScriptAlias / /opt/bitbake/lib/toaster/toastermain/wsgi.py
-     <Directory //opt/bitbake/lib/toaster/toastermain/>
-         <Files wsgi.py>
-             Require all granted
-         </Files>
-     </Directory>
-        ...
-                        </literallayout>
-                        You need to collect static media from Toaster and
-                        continue configuring Apache to serve that static
-                        media:
-                        <literallayout class='monospaced'>
-     $ mkdir /var/www.html/static && cd /var/www.html/static
-     $ /opt bitbake/lib/toaster/manage.py collectstatic
-     $ cat /etc/apache2/sites-available/000-default.conf
-        ...
-     # in VirtualHost, AHEAD of the WSGIScriptAlias definition
-     Alias /static/ /var/www.html/static/
-     <Directory /var/www.html/static/>
-     Require all granted
-     </Directory>
-        ...
-     WSGIScript Alias / /opt/bitbake/lib/toaster/toastermain/wsgi.py
-        ...
-                        </literallayout>
-                        </para></listitem>
-                    <listitem><para><emphasis>Start Toaster:</emphasis>
-                        Synchronize the databases for Toaster, and then start
-                        up the web server.
-                        Here is an example that continues with the assumed
-                        components from the previous steps:
-                        <literallayout class='monospaced'>
-     $ /opt/bitbake/lib/toaster/manage.py syncdb
-     $ /opt/bitbake/lib/toaster/manage.py migrate orm
-     $ /opt/bitbake/lib/toaster/manage.py migrate bldcontrol
-     $ service apache2 restart
-                        </literallayout>
-                        For reference information on the
-                        <filename>manage.py</filename> commands used here,
-                        see the
-                        "<link linkend='toaster-useful-commands'>Useful Commands</link>"
-                        section.
-                        </para></listitem>
-                    <listitem><para><emphasis>Set up Build Control and Open the Web Interface:</emphasis>
-                        You need to run the build control manager.
-                        You can do this as shown in the following example:
-                        <literallayout class='monospaced'>
-     # as the "poky" user, start the runbuilds command in a loop (or put it in crontab!)
-     $ sudo -i -u poky
-     $ while true; do /opt/bitbake/lib/toaster/manage.py runbuilds; sleep 10; done
-     # open up the web interface
-     $ xdg-open http://[server-address]/toastergui/
-                        </literallayout>
-                        It is suggested that you enable build control by
-                        setting <filename>runbuilds</filename> in the
-                        <filename>crontab</filename> as follows:
-                        <literallayout class='monospaced'>
-     $ crontab -l
-     * * * * *  /opt/bitbake/lit/toaster/manage.py runbuilds
-                        </literallayout>
-                        </para></listitem>
-                    <listitem><para><emphasis>Open the Browser:</emphasis>
-                        Once the Apache server is running, connect to it with
-                        your favorite browser and verify that the Toaster
-                        interface comes up:
-                        <literallayout class='monospaced'>
-     http://localhost:8000/toastergui
-                        </literallayout>
-                        You can track accesses and errors in the Apache
-                        service logs.
-                        </para></listitem>
-                </orderedlist>
-            </para>
-        </section>
-    </section>
     <section id='using-the-toaster-web-interface'>
         <title>Using the Toaster Web Interface</title>
@@ -1403,104 +593,4 @@
-        <section id='toaster-gui-vids-1'>
-            <title>Toaster Homepage and Table Controls</title>
-            <para>
-                This video goes over the Toaster entry page, and provides
-                an overview of the data manipulation capabilities of Toaster,
-                which include search, sorting and filtering by different
-                criteria.
-                <mediaobject>
-                    <videoobject>
-                        <videodata width="640" height="480" fileref="http://www.youtube.com/v/QEARDnrR1Xw"></videodata>
-                    </videoobject>
-                </mediaobject>
-            </para>
-        </section>
-        <section id='toaster-gui-vids-2'>
-            <title>Build Dashboard</title>
-            <para>
-                This video shows you the build dashboard, a page providing an
-                overview of the information available for a selected build.
-                <mediaobject>
-                    <videoobject>
-                        <videodata width="640px" height="480px" fileref="http://www.youtube.com/v/KKqHYcnp2gE"></videodata>
-                    </videoobject>
-                </mediaobject>
-            </para>
-        </section>
-        <section id='toaster-gui-vids-3'>
-            <title>Image Information</title>
-            <para>
-                This video walks through the information Toaster provides
-                about images: packages installed and root file system.
-                <mediaobject>
-                    <videoobject>
-                        <videodata width="640px" height="480px" fileref="http://www.youtube.com/v/XqYGFsmA0Rw"></videodata>
-                    </videoobject>
-                </mediaobject>
-            </para>
-        </section>
-        <section id='toaster-gui-vids-4'>
-            <title>Configuration</title>
-            <para>
-                This video shows the information Toaster provides about build
-                configuration.
-                <mediaobject>
-                    <videoobject>
-                        <videodata width="640px" height="480px" fileref="http://www.youtube.com/v/UW-j-T2TzIg"></videodata>
-                    </videoobject>
-                </mediaobject>
-            </para>
-        </section>
-        <section id='toaster-gui-vids-5'>
-            <title>Tasks</title>
-            <para>
-                This video shows the information Toaster provides about the
-                tasks run by the build system.
-                <mediaobject>
-                    <videoobject>
-                        <videodata width="640px" height="480px" fileref="http://www.youtube.com/v/D4-9vGSxQtw"></videodata>
-                    </videoobject>
-                </mediaobject>
-            </para>
-        </section>
-        <section id='toaster-gui-vids-6'>
-            <title>Recipes and Packages Built</title>
-            <para>
-                This video shows the information Toaster provides about recipes
-                and packages built.
-                <mediaobject>
-                    <videoobject>
-                        <videodata width="640px" height="480px" fileref="http://www.youtube.com/v/x-6dx4huNnw"></videodata>
-                    </videoobject>
-                </mediaobject>qYgDZ8YzV6w
-            </para>
-        </section>
-        <section id='toaster-gui-vids-7'>
-            <title>Performance Data</title>
-            <para>
-                This video shows the build performance data provided by
-                Toaster.
-                <mediaobject>
-                    <videoobject>
-                        <videodata width="640px" height="480px" fileref="http://www.youtube.com/v/qWGMrJoqusQ"></videodata>
-                    </videoobject>
-                </mediaobject>
-            </para>
-        </section>

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