[yocto] Debug custom recipe configuration

Srinivasan Srivatsan srinsriv at gmail.com
Wed Dec 16 09:05:48 PST 2015


I am working with Yocto and Bitbake to add a recipe which executes a python
script for configuration.

Am currently using the "*bitbake <recipe-name> -c configure*" to configure
the recipe. There is a configuration issue which am looking into for which
I need to add pdb.set_trace() when the configuration is run through
bitbake. I ran the python script configuration locally without using
bitbake, and it seems to work. If I add set_trace(), I see that the bitbake
program bypasses the pdb prompt during the run. Is there a way to have the
bitbake stop at that point in the program and give me access to the pdb
prompt ? Any other alternative way to debug this issue is appreciated.

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