[yocto] Packages in packagegroup are not installed in image

Ng, Mei Yeen mei.yeen.ng at intel.com
Mon Aug 24 19:20:09 PDT 2015

Hi Randy,

The packagegroups is added into the image as below:

1) Create a bbappend of the image core-image-full-cmdline.bbappend in our new layer
2) In the core-image-full-cmdline.bbappend, enable the following lines:

	DESCRIPTION = "Custom list of packages for build essentials for commandline image"

	IMAGE_INSTALL += "packagegroup-core-buildessential-extended"
	IMAGE_INSTALL += "packagegroup-core-devtools"

3) Update the local.conf to include EXTRA_IMAGE_FEATURES = "debug-tweaks tools-testapps tools-debug"


-----Original Message-----
From: Randy Witt [mailto:randy.e.witt at linux.intel.com] 
Sent: Friday, July 24, 2015 2:00 AM
To: Ng, Mei Yeen; yocto at yoctoproject.org
Cc: Hart, Darren; Witt, Randy E
Subject: Re: [yocto] Packages in packagegroup are not installed in image

Hi Mei,

On 07/15/2015 10:40 AM, Ng, Mei Yeen wrote:
> Hi,
> I need help for issue where packages in packagegroup that compiles perfectly fine with core-images, but when verified in the image, they are not installed for some reason.
> My understanding was that packages listed under RDEPENDS in the packagegroup would get compiled and installed.
> Some packages would appear in 1 image and then disappear in the next compiled image.
> I'm seeing this when compiling with core-image-full-cmdline and core-image-sato.
> I have attached the following package group created:
> -        graphics package group- ldd would not be installed in the image
> -        build essentials extended package group - gdb were not install, gcc and mkdosfs will intermittently not install into the image

Could you perhaps provide the recipe that creates the package group and show how you are adding the package group to the image?

> Any help to shed some light on this is very much appreciated.
> Thanks,
> MY

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