[yocto] [poky] Initramfs not appended to kernel image

Wouter van Rooy wouter.van.rooy at axon.tv
Mon Apr 20 02:09:28 PDT 2015

Hi Bruce,

First of all, thanks for your answer. It would be a comforting idea to 
get this initramfs implemented cleanly in my project.

On 16-04-15 16:22, Bruce Ashfield wrote:
> I'm the proud owner of the bugzilla to document this process better, 
> so let's work through the issues and see if there's a bug, or 
> something that just isn't clearly described. We are talking about the 
> 1.6 release here .. so at least the recent changes in kernel.bbclass 
> processing won't be the cause of the breakage.
Correct, to be even more precise I am using the daisy-11.0.0 tag for Poky.
> Correct, and this definitely used to work. I can't see anything wrong 
> by inspection alone, but will launch some builds to see if I can 
> confirm the behaviour and that variable not making it down into the 
> function call. Bruce 
Thanks, I would love to hear the results of your test builds. Just drop 
me a line if you need anything else from my build environment for 
reproduction, like log files and such.

Kind regards,
Wouter van Rooy

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