[yocto] python 2to3 conflicts when populating sdk

Peter Bergin peter.bergin at tritech.se
Thu Apr 16 01:54:05 PDT 2015


I am building an image in daisy branch with both python and python3 included. It works to build the image itself but when trying to make an sdk with 'bitbake <image> -c populate_sdk' it fails with the following error when packages are installed:

error: file /usr/bin/2to3 from install of python-2to3-2.7.3-r0.3.0.cortexa9hf_vfp_neon conflicts with file from package python3-2to3-3.3.3-r0.0.2.cortexa9hf_vfp_neon

>From the log-file it happens in the sequence after the following printout in the stage do_populate_sdk:

NOTE: Installing complementary packages ...

NOTE: Installing the following packages: gst-plugins-good-jpeg-dev shadow-securetty-dev gst-plugins-good-alpha-d........

Anyone having an idea how to resolv this conflict?


Peter Bergin

peter.bergin at tritech.se
+46 733 35 21 05

+46 31 763 38 00
Nordstadstorget 6
SE-411 05 G?teborg, Sweden

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