[yocto] [PATCH 1/1] error-report-tool: apply changes to the landing page

Roxana Ciobanu roxana.ciobanu at intel.com
Wed Sep 3 04:41:32 PDT 2014

* Reduce the time range from the last month to the last week
* Provide a list of the latest errors
* Provide a link to the list of errors generated by the autobuilder

[YOCTO #YB6537]

Signed-off-by: Roxana Ciobanu <roxana.ciobanu at intel.com>
 Post/static/css/custom.css    |   9 +-
 Post/views.py                 |  15 +-
 project/urls.py               |   4 +-
 templates/base.html           |   6 +-
 templates/error-page.html     |  27 ++-
 templates/home.html           | 442 ++++++++++++++++++++++--------------------
 templates/latest-errors.html  | 239 +++++++++++++++++++++++
 templates/search-details.html |   2 +-
 8 files changed, 527 insertions(+), 217 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 templates/latest-errors.html

diff --git a/Post/static/css/custom.css b/Post/static/css/custom.css
index 16fe910..c274b67 100644
--- a/Post/static/css/custom.css
+++ b/Post/static/css/custom.css
@@ -6,8 +6,9 @@
 body {
-	padding:50px;
+	padding: 70px 40px;
 .logo img {
     height: 25px;
     width: auto !important;
@@ -56,7 +57,11 @@ td a:visited {
 	margin: 10px 0 0;
-.navbar-inner form {
+.navbar-inner .navbar-search {
+	margin-top: 7px;
+.navbar-inner form, .pagination form {
 	margin: 5px 0 0;
diff --git a/Post/views.py b/Post/views.py
index 1844c87..79d688e 100644
--- a/Post/views.py
+++ b/Post/views.py
@@ -58,13 +58,26 @@ def search(request, template_name, items = None, page = None, query = None):
          page = request.GET.get('page', '')
          query = request.GET.get('query', '')
          items = request.GET.get('items', '')
+    latest = False
+    if "latest" in query:
+         latest = True
+         query = query.replace("_latest", "")
     if query == "" or query.isspace():
         query = "all"
     elems = Info().getSearchResult(query.strip())
     elems.sort(key=lambda r : r.BUILD.DATE, reverse=True)
     no = len(elems)
     if no == 0:
-        return render_to_response("error-page.html", {"query" : query}, RequestContext(request))
+        return render_to_response("error-page.html", {"latest" : latest,  "query" : query}, RequestContext(request))
+    if latest is True:
+        if no > 150:
+            elems = elems[:150]
+            no = 150
     paginator = Paginator(elems, items)
         c = paginator.page(page)
diff --git a/project/urls.py b/project/urls.py
index dbf2a3c..80d5d48 100644
--- a/project/urls.py
+++ b/project/urls.py
@@ -18,6 +18,7 @@ urlpatterns = patterns('',
     # Uncomment the next line to enable the admin:
     url(r'^admin/', include(admin.site.urls)),
     #url(r'^accounts/', include('registration.backends.default.urls')),
+    url(r'^Errors/Search/Latest/$', 'Post.views.search', {'template_name' : 'latest-errors.html'}, name= "latest_errors"),
     url(r'^Errors/Search/Args/$', 'Post.views.search', {'template_name' : 'search-details.html'}, name = "entry_args"),
     url(r'^Errors/Search/(?P<items>\d+)/(?P<page>\d+)/(?P<query>\w+)/', 'Post.views.search', {'template_name' : 'search-details.html'}, name = "entry"),
     url(r'^Errors/Search/(?P<page>\d+)/(?P<query>\d+)/', 'Post.views.viewEntry', {'template_name' : 'search-details.html'}),
@@ -27,5 +28,6 @@ urlpatterns = patterns('',
     url(r'^Errors/ErrorPage/$', direct_to_template, {'template':"error-page.html"}, name = "errorpage"),
     url(r'^ClientPost/', 'Post.views.addData'),
     url(r'^Errors/', direct_to_template, {'template':"home.html"}, name = "main"),
-    url(r'.*', redirect_to, {'url' : '/Errors/'}, name = "home"),
+    url(r'.*', redirect_to, {'url' : '/Errors/Search/Latest/?items=25&page=1&query=all_latest'}),
diff --git a/templates/base.html b/templates/base.html
index a6f0cf0..69e9871 100644
--- a/templates/base.html
+++ b/templates/base.html
@@ -21,8 +21,8 @@
 		<div class="navbar navbar-fixed-top">
 			<div class="navbar-inner">
 				<div class="container-fluid">
-					<a class="brand logo" href="{% url main %}"><img src="{% static "img/logo.png" %}" /></a>
-					<a class="brand" href={% url main%}>Error reports</a>
+					<a class="brand logo" href="{% url latest_errors %}?items=25&page=1&query=all_latest"><img src="{% static "img/logo.png" %}" /></a>
+					<a class="brand" href="{% url latest_errors %}?items=25&page=1&query=all_latest">Error reports</a>
 					{% comment %}
 						{% if  user.is_authenticated %}
 							<div class="dropdown pull-right">
@@ -55,7 +55,7 @@
 		<script type = "text/javascript" src = "{% static "js/jquery.js" %}"></script>
 		<script type = "text/javascript" src = "{% static "js/bootstrap.min.js" %}"></script>
 		<script type = "text/javascript" src = "{% static "js/d3.v2.js" %}"></script>
diff --git a/templates/error-page.html b/templates/error-page.html
index fa16354..d811c77 100644
--- a/templates/error-page.html
+++ b/templates/error-page.html
@@ -6,10 +6,31 @@
 	{% block content %}
 		<div class="row-fluid">
+		{% if latest %}
+			<ul class="nav nav-pills">
+				<li> <a href="{% url latest_errors %}?items=25&page=1&query=all_latest" >Latest errors</a> </li>
+				<li class="active"> <a href="{% url latest_errors %}?items=25&page=1&query=autobuilder_latest" >Latest Autobuilder errors</a></li>
+				<li> <a href="{% url main %}" >Statistics </a> </li>
+			</ul>
+			<div class="alert">
+				{% ifequal query "autobuilder" %}
+					<h3>No Autobuilder errors found</h3>
+				{% else %}
+					<h3>No errors found</h3>
+				{% endifequal%}
+				<form class="no-results" action="{% url entry_args %}" method="GET">
+					<div class="input-append">
+						<input class="input-xxlarge" type="text" name="query" value="{{ query }}">
+						<input type="text" name="items" value=10 style="display: none;">
+						<input type="text" name="page" value=1 style="display: none;">
+						<button class="btn" type="submit" value = "Search">Search</button>
+					</div>
+				</form>
+			</div>
+		{% else %}
 			<div class="page-header">
 				<h1>No errors found</h1>
 			<div class="alert">
 				<form class="no-results" action="{% url entry_args %}" method="GET">
 					<div class="input-append">
@@ -17,10 +38,12 @@
 						<input type="text" name="items" value=10 style="display: none;">
 						<input type="text" name="page" value=1 style="display: none;">
 						<button class="btn" type="submit" value = "Search">Search</button>
-						<a class="btn btn-link" href="/">Go to error dashboard</a>
+						<a class="btn btn-link" href="/">View latest errors</a>
+		{% endif %}
+		</div>
 	{% endblock %}
diff --git a/templates/home.html b/templates/home.html
index 6c8a1e7..7be605f 100644
--- a/templates/home.html
+++ b/templates/home.html
@@ -5,217 +5,245 @@
 		{% block content%}
 		<div class="row-fluid">
-			<div class="page-header">
-				<h1>Error dashboard</h1>
-			</div>
-			<p class="lead">Errors reported from 22nd June to 22nd July 2013</p>
-			<ul class="thumbnails">
-				<li class="span6">
-					<h2>By machine</h2>
-					<div class="thumbnail">
-						<p style="display:none">{% load_chart charttype chartdata "m"%}</p>
-						{% include_container "m" %}
+			<ul class="nav nav-pills">
+				<li><a href="{% url latest_errors %}?items=25&page=1&query=all_latest">Latest errors</a></li>
+				<li><a href="{% url latest_errors %}?items=25&page=1&query=autobuilder_latest">Latest Autobuilder errors</a></li>
+				<li class="active"> <a href="#stats" data-toggle="tab">Statistics </a> </li>
+			</ul>
+			<div class="tab-content">
+				<div class="tab-pane active" id="stats">
+					<p class="lead">Errors reported from 21st to 27th August 2014</p>
+					<div class="row-fluid">
+					<ul class="thumbnails">
+						<li class="span6">
+							<h2>By machine</h2>
+							<div class="thumbnail">
+								<p style="display:none">{% load_chart charttype chartdata "m"%}</p>
+								{% include_container "m" %}
+							</div>
+						</li>
+						<li class="span6">
+							<h2>By recipe</h2>
+							<div class="thumbnail">
+								<p style="display:none">{% load_chart charttype chartdata "r"%}</p>
+								{% include_container "r" %}
+							</div>
+						</li>
+					</ul>
-				</li>
-				<li class="span6">
-					<h2>By recipe</h2>
-					<div class="thumbnail">
-						<p style="display:none">{% load_chart charttype chartdata "r"%}</p>
-						{% include_container "r" %}
+					<div class="row-fluid">
+						<ul class="thumbnails">
+							<li class="span6">
+								<h2>By target</h2>
+								<div class="thumbnail">
+									<p style="display:none">{% load_chart charttype chartdata "t"%}</p>
+									{% include_container "t" %}
+								</div>
+							</li>
+							<li class="span6">
+								<h2>By distro</h2>
+								<div class="thumbnail">
+									<p style="display:none">{% load_chart charttype chartdata "d"%}</p>
+									{% include_container "d" %}
+								</div>
+							</li>
+						</ul>
-				</li>
-			</ul>
-			</div>
-			<div class="row-fluid">
-				<ul class="thumbnails">
-					<li class="span6">
-						<h2>By target</h2>
-						<div class="thumbnail">
-							<p style="display:none">{% load_chart charttype chartdata "t"%}</p>
-							{% include_container "t" %}
-						</div>
-					</li>
-					<li class="span6">
-						<h2>By distro</h2>
-						<div class="thumbnail">
-							<p style="display:none">{% load_chart charttype chartdata "d"%}</p>
-							{% include_container "d" %}
-						</div>
-					</li>
-				</ul>
-			</div>
-			<div class="row-fluid">
-				<ul class="thumbnails">
-					<li class="span6">
-						<h2>By branch</h2>
-						<div class="thumbnail">
-							<p style="display:none">{% load_chart charttype chartdata "b"%}</p>
-							{% include_container "b" %}
-						</div>
-					</li>
-					<li class="span6">
-						<h2>By commit</h2>
-						<div class="thumbnail">
-							<p style="display:none">{% load_chart charttype chartdata "c"%}</p>
-							{% include_container "c" %}
-						</div>
-					</li>
-				</ul>
-			</div>
-			<div class="row-fluid">
-				<ul class="thumbnails">
-					<li class="span6">
-						<h2>By target system</h2>
-						<div class="thumbnail">
-							<p style="display:none">{% load_chart charttype chartdata "ts"%}</p>
-							{% include_container "ts" %}
-						</div>
-					</li>
-					<li class="span6">
-						<h2>By host distro</h2>
-						<div class="thumbnail">
-							<p style="display:none">{% load_chart charttype chartdata "hd"%}</p>
-							{% include_container "hd" %}
-						</div>
-					</li>
-				</ul>
-			</div>
-			<script type="text/javascript">
-				$(document).ready(function() {
-					var month=new Array();
-					month[0]="January";
-					month[1]="February";
-					month[2]="March";
-					month[3]="April";
-					month[4]="May";
-					month[5]="June";
-					month[6]="July";
-					month[7]="August";
-					month[8]="September";
-					month[9]="October";
-					month[10]="November";
-					month[11]="December";
-					var today = new Date();
-					var dd = today.getDate();
-					var mm = today.getMonth();
-					var yyyy = today.getFullYear();
-					var currentm = month[mm];
-					var ind = "";
-					if (mm == 0){
-						var lastm = month[11];
-					}
-					else {
-						var lastm = month[mm-1];
-					}
-					if (dd > 9){
-						var lastd = dd % 10;
-					}
-					else {
-						var lastd=dd;
-					}
-					if (dd == 11 || dd == 12 || dd == 13){
-						ind = 'th'}
-					else if (lastd == 1){
-						ind = 'st'}
-					else if (lastd == 2){
-						ind = 'nd'}
-					else if (lastd == 3){
-						ind = 'rd'}
-					else if (ind == ""){
-						ind ='th'}
-					var today = dd + ind +" " + currentm + " " + yyyy;
-					if (dd>28){
-						dd = 28;
-						ind = 'th'
-					}
-					var last = dd + ind + " " +lastm;
-					var text = "Errors reported from " +last + " to " +today;
-					$("p").text(text);
-					function modify_chart(data, type, div){
-						var start = '<script type="text/javascript">'
-						var end='</li>'
-						var current_index = data.indexOf(type)
-						var current_part = data.substr(current_index)
-						current_part = current_part.replace('width:600px;', '')
-						var i = current_part.indexOf(start)
-						var current_part = current_part.substr(i)
-						var i = current_part.indexOf(start)
-						var current_part = current_part.substr(i)
-						var j = current_part.indexOf(end)
-						var draw = current_part.substr(i, j)
-						draw=draw.replace('<div id="m"', '<div id="' + div + '"')
-						draw=draw.replace("('#m svg')", "('#" + div + " svg')")
-						draw = draw.replace("chart.xAxis", "chart.xAxis.tickFormat(function(d){ if (d.length <= 9) return String(d); else return String(d.substring(0,8) + '...'); });")
-						draw = draw.replace("chart.yAxis", "chart.yAxis.tickFormat(d3.format('%'));")
-						draw = draw.replace("String(graph.point.y)", "String(graph.point.y*100)")
-						draw = draw.replace("'<center><b>'+key+'</b></center>' + y + ' at '", "parseInt(graph.point.y*100)+'% '")
-						draw = draw.replace("return tooltip_str;", "d3.selectAll('.discreteBar').on('click', function(){ if(String(graph.point.x) != 'others')  window.location.href='{% url entry_args %}?items=10&page=1&query='+String(graph.point.x) }); \n return tooltip_str;\n")
-						draw = draw.replace("return chart;", "nv.utils.windowResize(chart.update); \n return chart;\n")
-						return draw;
-					}
-					if ($("#m").text() == ""){
-						$.get('{% url statistics "MACHINE" %}', function(data){
-						draw = modify_chart(data, "By machine", "m");
-						$("#m").html(draw);
-					})
-					}
-					if ($("#r").text() == ""){
-						$.get('{% url statistics "RECIPE" %}', function(data){
-						draw = modify_chart(data, "By recipe", "r");
-						$("#r").html(draw)
-					})
-					}
-					if ($("#t").text() == ""){
-						$.get('{% url statistics "TARGET" %}', function(data){
-						draw = modify_chart(data, "By target", "t");
-						$("#t").html(draw)
-					})
-					}
-					if ($("#d").text() == ""){
-						$.get('{% url statistics "DISTRO" %}', function(data){
-						draw = modify_chart(data, "By distro", "d");
-						$("#d").html(draw)
-					})
-					}
-					if ($("#b").text() == ""){
-						$.get('{% url statistics "BRANCH" %}', function(data){
-						draw = modify_chart(data, "By branch", "b");
-						$("#b").html(draw)
-					})
-					}
-					if ($("#c").text() == ""){
-						$.get('{% url statistics "COMMIT" %}', function(data){
-						draw = modify_chart(data, "By commit", "c");
-						$("#c").html(draw)
-					})
-					}
-					if ($("#ts").text() == ""){
-						$.get('{% url statistics "TARGET_SYS" %}', function(data){
-						draw = modify_chart(data, "By target system", "ts");
-						$("#ts").html(draw)
-					})
-					}
-					if ($("#hd").text() == ""){
-						$.get('{% url statistics "NATIVELSBSTRING" %}', function(data){
-						draw = modify_chart(data, "By host distro", "hd");
-						$("#hd").html(draw)
+					<div class="row-fluid">
+						<ul class="thumbnails">
+							<li class="span6">
+								<h2>By branch</h2>
+								<div class="thumbnail">
+									<p style="display:none">{% load_chart charttype chartdata "b"%}</p>
+									{% include_container "b" %}
+								</div>
+							</li>
+							<li class="span6">
+								<h2>By commit</h2>
+								<div class="thumbnail">
+									<p style="display:none">{% load_chart charttype chartdata "c"%}</p>
+									{% include_container "c" %}
+								</div>
+							</li>
+						</ul>
+					</div>
+					<div class="row-fluid">
+						<ul class="thumbnails">
+							<li class="span6">
+								<h2>By target system</h2>
+								<div class="thumbnail">
+									<p style="display:none">{% load_chart charttype chartdata "ts"%}</p>
+									{% include_container "ts" %}
+								</div>
+							</li>
+							<li class="span6">
+								<h2>By host distro</h2>
+								<div class="thumbnail">
+									<p style="display:none">{% load_chart charttype chartdata "hd"%}</p>
+									{% include_container "hd" %}
+								</div>
+							</li>
+						</ul>
+					</div>
+					<script type="text/javascript">
+						$(document).ready(function() {
+							var month=new Array();
+							month[0]="January";
+							month[1]="February";
+							month[2]="March";
+							month[3]="April";
+							month[4]="May";
+							month[5]="June";
+							month[6]="July";
+							month[7]="August";
+							month[8]="September";
+							month[9]="October";
+							month[10]="November";
+							month[11]="December";
+							var today = new Date();
+							var dd = today.getDate();
+							var mm = today.getMonth();
+							var yyyy = today.getFullYear();
+							var currentm = month[mm];
+							var ind = "";
+							if (mm == 0){
+								var lastm = month[11];
+							}
+							else {
+								var lastm = month[mm-1];
+							}
+							if (dd > 9){
+								var lastd = dd % 10;
+							}
+							else {
+								var lastd=dd;
+							}
+							if (dd == 11 || dd == 12 || dd == 13){
+								ind = 'th'}
+							else if (lastd == 1){
+								ind = 'st'}
+							else if (lastd == 2){
+								ind = 'nd'}
+							else if (lastd == 3){
+								ind = 'rd'}
+							else if (ind == ""){
+								ind ='th'}
+							var today = dd + ind +" " + currentm + " " + yyyy;
+							dd -= 7;
+							if (dd <= 0) {
+								dd = 28;
+								ind = 'th' + ' ' + lastm;
+							} else {
+								if (dd == 11 || dd == 12 || dd == 13){
+									ind = 'th'}
+								else if (lastd == 1){
+									ind = 'st'}
+								else if (lastd == 2){
+									ind = 'nd'}
+								else if (lastd == 3){
+									ind = 'rd'}
+								else if (ind == ""){
+									ind ='th'}
+							}
+							var last = dd + ind;
+							var text = "Errors reported from " + last + " to " +today;
+							$("p").text(text);
+							function modify_chart(data, type, div){
+								var start = '<script type="text/javascript">'
+								var end='</li>'
+								var current_index = data.indexOf(type)
+								var current_part = data.substr(current_index)
+								current_part = current_part.replace('width:600px;', '')
+								var i = current_part.indexOf(start)
+								var current_part = current_part.substr(i)
+								var i = current_part.indexOf(start)
+								var current_part = current_part.substr(i)
+								var j = current_part.indexOf(end)
+								var draw = current_part.substr(i, j)
+								draw=draw.replace('<div id="m"', '<div id="' + div + '"')
+								draw=draw.replace("('#m svg')", "('#" + div + " svg')")
+								draw = draw.replace("chart.xAxis", "chart.xAxis.tickFormat(function(d){ if (d.length <= 9) return String(d); else return String(d.substring(0,8) + '...'); });")
+								draw = draw.replace("chart.yAxis", "chart.yAxis.tickFormat(d3.format('%'));")
+								draw = draw.replace("String(graph.point.y)", "String(graph.point.y*100)")
+								draw = draw.replace("'<center><b>'+key+'</b></center>' + y + ' at '", "parseInt(graph.point.y*100)+'% '")
+								draw = draw.replace("return tooltip_str;", "d3.selectAll('.discreteBar').on('click', function(){ if(String(graph.point.x) != 'others')  window.location.href='{% url entry_args %}?items=10&page=1&query='+String(graph.point.x) }); \n return tooltip_str;\n")
+								draw = draw.replace("return chart;", "nv.utils.windowResize(chart.update); \n return chart;\n")
+								return draw;
+							}
+							if ($("#m").text() == ""){
+								$.get('{% url statistics "MACHINE" %}', function(data){
+								draw = modify_chart(data, "By machine", "m");
+								$("#m").html(draw);
+							})
+							}
+							if ($("#r").text() == ""){
+								$.get('{% url statistics "RECIPE" %}', function(data){
+								draw = modify_chart(data, "By recipe", "r");
+								$("#r").html(draw)
+							})
+							}
+							if ($("#t").text() == ""){
+								$.get('{% url statistics "TARGET" %}', function(data){
+								draw = modify_chart(data, "By target", "t");
+								$("#t").html(draw)
+							})
+							}
+							if ($("#d").text() == ""){
+								$.get('{% url statistics "DISTRO" %}', function(data){
+								draw = modify_chart(data, "By distro", "d");
+								$("#d").html(draw)
+							})
+							}
+							if ($("#b").text() == ""){
+								$.get('{% url statistics "BRANCH" %}', function(data){
+								draw = modify_chart(data, "By branch", "b");
+								$("#b").html(draw)
+							})
+							}
+							if ($("#c").text() == ""){
+								$.get('{% url statistics "COMMIT" %}', function(data){
+								draw = modify_chart(data, "By commit", "c");
+								$("#c").html(draw)
+							})
+							}
+							if ($("#ts").text() == ""){
+								$.get('{% url statistics "TARGET_SYS" %}', function(data){
+								draw = modify_chart(data, "By target system", "ts");
+								$("#ts").html(draw)
+							})
+							}
+							if ($("#hd").text() == ""){
+								$.get('{% url statistics "NATIVELSBSTRING" %}', function(data){
+								draw = modify_chart(data, "By host distro", "hd");
+								$("#hd").html(draw)
+							})
+							}
-					}
-			})
-			</script>
+					</script>
+				</div>
+			</div>   <!-- end of tab-content -->
+		</div>	<!-- end of row-fluid -->
 		{% endblock %}
diff --git a/templates/latest-errors.html b/templates/latest-errors.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3927100
--- /dev/null
+++ b/templates/latest-errors.html
@@ -0,0 +1,239 @@
+{% extends "base.html" %}
+{% load i18n %}
+{% load staticfiles %}
+{% load projecttags %}
+<!DOCTYPE html>
+	<body>
+		{% block content %}
+		<script>$
+		function showhideTableColumn( clname, sh) {
+			if ( sh ) {
+				$('.' + clname ).show( 100 );
+			}
+			else {
+				$('.' + clname ).hide( 100 );
+			}
+			// save cookie for all checkboxes$
+			save = '';
+			$( '.chbxtoggle' ).each(function( ) {
+				if ( $( this ).attr( 'id' ) != undefined ) {
+					save += ';' + $( this ).attr( 'id' ) +':'+ $( this ).is( ':checked' )
+				}
+			});
+			$.cookie( '_displaycols_{{objectname}}', save );
+			save = '';
+		}
+		</script>
+		<div class="row-fluid">
+			<ul class="nav nav-pills">
+				{% ifequal d 'autobuilder' %}
+					<li> <a href="{% url latest_errors %}?items=25&page=1&query=all_latest" >Latest errors</a> </li>
+					<li class="active"> <a href="{% url latest_errors %}?items=25&page=1&query=autobuilder_latest" >Latest Autobuilder errors</a></li>
+				{% else %}
+					<li class="active"> <a href="{% url latest_errors %}?items=25&page=1&query=all_latest" >Latest errors</a> </li>
+					<li> <a href="{% url latest_errors %}?items=25&page=1&query=autobuilder_latest" >Latest Autobuilder errors</a></li>
+				{% endifequal %}
+					<li> <a href="{% url main %}" >Statistics </a> </li>
+			</ul>
+			<div class="navbar">
+				<div class="navbar-inner">
+					{% if no > 10 %}
+						<form class="form-inline pull-right">
+							<label>Show latest:</label>
+								<select class="paginationLimit input-mini" onchange="javascript:window.open('{% url latest_errors %}?items='+this.value+'&page={{ details.number }}', '_self')">
+								{% ifequal items "10" %}
+									<option selected="selected" value = "10">10</option>
+									<option value = "25">25</option>
+									<option value = "50">50</option>
+									<option value = "100">100</option>
+									<option value = "150">150</option>
+								{%endifequal%}
+								{% ifequal items "25"%}
+									<option value = "10">10</option>
+									<option selected="selected" value = "25">25</option>
+									<option value = "50">50</option>
+									<option value = "100">100</option>
+									<option value = "150">150</option>
+								{%endifequal%}
+								{% ifequal items "50"%}
+									<option value = "10">10</option>
+									<option value = "25">25</option>
+									<option selected="selected" value = "50">50</option>
+									<option value = "100">100</option>
+									<option value = "150">150</option>
+								{%endifequal%}
+								{% ifequal items "100"%}
+									<option value = "10">10</option>
+									<option value = "25">25</option>
+									<option value = "50">50</option>
+									<option selected="selected" value = "100">100</option>
+									<option value = "150">150</option>
+								{%endifequal%}
+								{% ifequal items "150"%}
+									<option value = "10">10</option>
+									<option value = "25">25</option>
+									<option value = "50">50</option>
+									<option value = "100">100</option>
+									<option selected="selected" value = "150">150</option>
+								{%endifequal%}
+								</select>
+						</form>
+						<span class="divider-vertical pull-right"></span>
+					{% endif %}
+					<div class="btn-group pull-right">
+					{% ifequal d "autobuilder" %}
+						<form style="display:inline" action="{% url entry_args %}" method="GET">
+							<div class="input-append">
+								<input type="text" name="items" value=10 style="display: none;">
+								<input type="text" name="page" value=1 style="display: none;">
+								<input type="text" name="query" value=autobuilder style="display: none;">
+							</div>
+							<button type="submit" value="View All" class="btn dropdown-toggle">View all Autobuilder errors </button>
+						</form>
+					{% endifequal %}
+					{% if tablecols %}
+						<button class="btn dropdown-toggle" data-toggle="dropdown">Edit columns
+							<span class="caret"></span>
+						</button>
+						<ul id='editcol' class="dropdown-menu">
+							{% for i in tablecols|sortcols %}
+							<li>
+							<label {% if not i.clclass %} class="checkbox muted" {%else%} class="checkbox" {%endif%}>
+								<input type="checkbox" class="chbxtoggle"
+								{% if i.clclass %}
+									id="{{i.clclass}}"
+									value="ct{{i.name}}"
+									{% if not i.hidden %}
+										checked="checked"
+									{%endif%}
+									onclick="showhideTableColumn($(this).attr('id'), $(this).is(':checked'))"
+								{%else%}
+									checked disabled
+								{% endif %}/>   {{i.name}}
+							</label>
+							</li>
+							{% endfor %}
+						</ul>
+					{% endif %}
+					</div>
+				</div> <!-- navbar-inner -->
+			</div>
+			{% if details %}
+				<table class="table table-bordered table-hover">
+					<thead>
+						<tr>
+							{% for i in tablecols %} <th class="{{i.dclass}} {{i.clclass}}"> {{i.name}} </th> {%endfor%}
+						</tr>
+					</thead>
+					<tbody>
+						{%for detail in details %}
+							<tr class="data">
+								<td class="submitted_on"> <a href="{% url id detail.id details.number items d %}">{{ detail.BUILD.DATE|date:"d/m/y H:i"}}</a></td>
+								<td class="recipe"><a href="{% url id detail.id details.number items d %}">{{ detail.RECIPE }}</a></td>
+								<td class="recipe_version"><a href="{% url id detail.id details.number items d %}">{{ detail.RECIPE_VERSION }}</a></td>
+								<td class="task"><a href="{% url id detail.id details.number items d %}">{{ detail.TASK }}</a></td>
+								<td class="machine"><a href="{% url id detail.id details.number items d %}">{{ detail.BUILD.MACHINE }}</a></td>
+								<td class="distro"><a href="{% url id detail.id details.number items d %}">{{ detail.BUILD.DISTRO }}</a></td>
+								<td class="build_sys"><a href="{% url id detail.id details.number items d %}">{{ detail.BUILD.BUILD_SYS }}</a></td>
+								<td class="target_sys"><a href="{% url id detail.id details.number items d %}">{{ detail.BUILD.TARGET_SYS }}</a></td>
+								<td class="host_distro"><a href="{% url id detail.id details.number items d %}">{{ detail.BUILD.NATIVELSBSTRING }}</a></td>
+								<td class="branch"><a href="{% url id detail.id details.number items d %}">{{ detail.BUILD.BRANCH }} </a></td>
+								<td class="commit">
+									{% autoescape off %}
+										<div class="btn" rel="popover" data-content= {{ detail.BUILD.COMMIT|escape}} title="">
+											{% endautoescape %}
+										{{ detail.BUILD.COMMIT|truncatechars:10}}
+										</div>
+								</td>
+								<td class="submitter"><a href="{% url id detail.id details.number items d %}">{{ detail.BUILD.NAME }} </a></td>
+							</tr>
+						{%endfor%}
+					</tbody>
+				</table>
+					<div class="pagination pagination-centered">
+						<form class="form-inline pull-right">
+						{% if no > 10 %}
+						<label>Show latest:</label>
+								<form>
+									<select class="paginationLimit input-mini" onchange="javascript:window.open('{% url latest_errors %}?items='+this.value+'&page={{details.number}}', '_self')">
+										{% ifequal items "10" %}
+											<option selected="selected" value = "10">10</option>
+											<option value = "25">25</option>
+											<option value = "50">50</option>
+											<option value = "100">100</option>
+											<option value = "150">150</option>
+										{%endifequal%}
+										{% ifequal items "25"%}
+											<option value = "10">10</option>
+											<option selected="selected" value = "25">25</option>
+											<option value = "50">50</option>
+											<option value = "100">100</option>
+											<option value = "150">150</option>
+										{%endifequal%}
+										{% ifequal items "50"%}
+											<option value = "10">10</option>
+											<option value = "25">25</option>
+											<option selected="selected" value = "50">50</option>
+											<option value = "100">100</option>
+											<option value = "150">150</option>
+										{%endifequal%}
+										{% ifequal items "100"%}
+											<option value = "10">10</option>
+											<option value = "25">25</option>
+											<option value = "50">50</option>
+											<option selected="selected" value = "100">100</option>
+											<option value = "150">150</option>
+										{%endifequal%}
+										{% ifequal items "150"%}
+											<option value = "10">10</option>
+											<option value = "25">25</option>
+											<option value = "50">50</option>
+											<option value = "100">100</option>
+											<option selected="selected" value = "150">150</option>
+										{%endifequal%}
+									</select>
+								</form>
+						</form>
+						{% endif %}
+					</div>
+			{% endif %}
+			{% if result %}
+			           <h4>Nothing matches your search!</h4>
+			{% endif %}
+		</div> <!-- row-fluid -->
+		<script>
+			$(document).ready(function() {
+				$('.commit > div').popover({placement:'left'})
+				// we load cookies for the column display$
+				save = $.cookie('_displaycols_{{objectname}}');
+				if (save != undefined) {
+					setting = save.split(';');
+					for ( i = 0; i < setting.length; i++) {
+						if (setting[i].length > 0) {
+							splitlist = setting[i].split(':');
+							id = splitlist[0], v = splitlist[1];
+							if (v == 'true') {
+								$('.chbxtoggle#'+id).prop('checked', true);
+							}
+							else {
+								$('.chbxtoggle#'+id).prop('checked', false);
+							}
+						}
+					}
+				}
+				$('.chbxtoggle').each(function () {
+					showhideTableColumn($(this).attr('id'), $(this).is(':checked'))
+				});
+				//turn edit columns dropdown into a multi-select menu$
+				$('.dropdown-menu input, .dropdown-menu label').click(function(e) {
+					e.stopPropagation();
+				});$
+			});
+		</script>
+		{% endblock %}
+	</body>
diff --git a/templates/search-details.html b/templates/search-details.html
index ca428d0..ef586cd 100644
--- a/templates/search-details.html
+++ b/templates/search-details.html
@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@
 						<form class="form-inline pull-right">
 							{% if no > 10 %}
 								<label>Show rows:</label>
-										<select class="paginationLimit input-mini" onchange="javascript:window.open('{% url entry_args %}?items='+this.value+'&page={{ details.number }}&query={{ d }}', '_self')">
+										<select class="paginationLimit input-mini" style="margin-top:5px;margin-bottom:0px;width:60px;" onchange="javascript:window.open('{% url entry_args %}?items='+this.value+'&page={{ details.number }}&query={{ d }}', '_self')">
 										{% ifequal items "10" %}
 											<option selected="selected" value = "10">10</option>
 											<option value = "25">25</option>

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