[yocto] Cedartrail zero-copy texture updates

Chris Tapp opensource at keylevel.com
Mon Feb 24 07:46:07 PST 2014

I'm trying to get zero-copy GLES textures working using Danny / Cedartrail (PVR) so I can stream video frames into a GLES application.

Googling hasn't really helped that much with how to do this, but I think I need to use eglCreateImageKHR and a client-side buffer so that glEGLImageTargetTexture2DOES() can be used to bind the texture to an image in memory.

eglCreatePixmapSurfaceHI() looks like it allows client memory to be used as a colour-buffer which can be passed to eglCreateImageKHR, but I can't seem to be able to create a context which supports pixmaps.

Are there any examples out there to show how to put all of this together?

Chris Tapp

opensource at keylevel.com

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