[yocto] RDEPENDS

ratheesh kannoth ratheesh.ksz at gmail.com
Sun Feb 9 07:18:54 PST 2014

I am trying to add a package  X.    Package X depends on  packages  A
.  When  i was configuring   X , i have given  include path of  A and
library path of A. because X is dynamically linked to libA.

do_configure() {
cd ${S}
./configure -I ../../A/include   -L ../../A/src/.libs

I could make X and A  separately and package it. I could not make an
image. It throws an error.

Computing transaction...error: Can't install  X-1.0-r0 at x86_64: no
package provides

${work}/bitbake_build/tmp/work/x86_64-wrs-linux/X-1.0-r0/../ A
/src/.libs// libA()(64bit)

I could see that  RDEPENDS  adds
${work}/bitbake_build/tmp/work/x86_64-wrs-linux/X-1.0-r0/../ A
/src/.libs// libA()(64bit)  when it finds while compiling.

Do you have any idea How to solve this problem ?

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