Richard Leitner - SKIDATA Richard.Leitner at skidata.com
Mon Feb 3 04:17:04 PST 2014

I've a question regarding the BBLAYERS variable.
Is it possible to set some kind of a SRCREV (=> git tag/branch/commit-id) for a path listed in BBLAYERS?

I came to this question because I've two different branches in my meta layer: one for development and one for 'stable' releases.
Therefore I have also two different build dirs and want to 'pin' the branches/tags to the build dir (preferable via the bblayers.conf).
I think this should be possible because at the start of a build the revs are displayed like: meta-yocto = "[branch]:[commit-id]"
The problem is that I wasn't able to find any answers or solutions on the web so I ask you now for help.

I'd appreciate any kind of help!

best regards,

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