[yocto] Yocto Bitbake Commander New Project Bug

Jate Sujjavanich Jate.Sujjavanich at myfuelmaster.com
Thu Sep 26 11:48:23 PDT 2013

Creating a Yocto Bitbake Commander project using an existing poky directory is a little buggy. I usually do this to avoid downloading poky from the Internet.

The plugin wizard implies that you can use a poky directory in your workspace with its clone from yocto repository option.

Attempting to use a cloned poky in workspace/poky results in the wizard reporting that ".../workspace/poky overlaps the location of another project: poky." Changing the name of the project merely results in the error "Directory ...workspace/poky2 does not exist, please select git clone".

The workaround is to open a separate dummy workspace, and then run the wizard with Project Location pointing to your desired Project Location. You will then be able to hit Finish. Eclipse will create the .metadata and .eclipse-data files.

You can then switch to your desired workspace and use "Import an Existing Project."

Is this a bug?

-Jate S.

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