[yocto] Gstreamer mfw_isink

Diego Gonzalez diego.gonzalez at horus.es
Thu Sep 26 01:14:15 PDT 2013


I'm working with gstreamer using fsl-image-gui  and I tried  the next tutorial (Multi-Overlay) https://community.freescale.com/docs/DOC-93788  . However when I try to use mfw_isink,  gstreamer tells me :

WARNING: erroneous pipeline: no element "mfw_isink"

So if I inspect (gst-inspect | grep "isink"), you'll see this element is not installed:

alsa:  alsasink: Audio sink (ALSA)
soup:  souphttpclientsink: HTTP client sink
xvimagesink:  xvimagesink: Video sink
playback:  playsink: Player Sink
gio:  giosink: GIO sink
gio:  giostreamsink: GIO stream sink
autodetect:  autovideosink: Auto video sink
autodetect:  autoaudiosink: Auto audio sink
v4lsink.imx:  mfw_v4lsink: v4l2 video sink
coreelements:  fakesink: Fake Sink
coreelements:  fdsink: Filedescriptor Sink
coreelements:  filesink: File Sink
tcp:  tcpclientsink: TCP client sink
tcp:  tcpserversink: TCP server sink
tcp:  multifdsink: Multi filedescriptor sink
fbdevsink:  fbdevsink: fbdev video sink

How can I add it ?  


Diego González González

diego.gonzalez at horus.es
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