[yocto] package development recompile and install to rootfs

Karl Hiramoto karl at hiramoto.org
Thu Sep 12 02:57:47 PDT 2013


I'm looking for a faster way  to recompile and install my package to my 
rootfs.   I am currently developing on a ARM board, and I'm booting the 
kernel and loading the rootfs over NFS.  I point the nfs root to 

in my custom "mypackage.bb" recipe I have:

DESCRIPTION = "mypackage"
SECTION = "base"
DEPENDS = "libnl jansson file"
PR = "r0"
inherit autotools pkgconfig externalsrc
S = "/home/karl/Work/mypackage"

So to compile and reinstall mypackage i do:
bitbake -v mypackage -c clean -f  && bitbake -v mypackage -c install -f 
&& bitbake -v mymachine-image

The mymachine-image  deletes and recreates the rootfs, which is 
lengthly.  After i do this, I need to reboot my  target board, so the 
nfsroot gets remounted.

Is there any way to quickly get  mypackage  installed on the rootfs?    
I'd like to be able to quickly recompile/link mypackage after changing a 
few lines of code.

I could write a script to copy the binaries over but I'm wondering if 
there is an easier way.



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