[yocto] Out of tree build yocto dylan

Volker Vogelhuber v.vogelhuber at digitalendoscopy.de
Mon Oct 28 03:22:37 PDT 2013

I'm currently trying to have the TMPDIR moved out of the normal 
repository path under dylan.
If I set it to
TMPDIR = "${TOPDIR}/../../build/tmp"
some of the build recipes fail because of the dots (e.g. mkdir-p.pl in 
openssl and ti-dsp-link from the meta-ti repository). I fixed it by 
adding a require conf/gettmpdir.inc containing the following

def gettmpdir(d):
     return os.path.abspath(d.getVar("TOPDIR", True) + "/../../build/tmp");

and set the TMPDIR within the local.conf now to TMPDIR = "${@gettmpdir(d)}"
But I wonder if it wouldn't be a good idea to introduce a call to 
os.path.abspath on the TMPDIR in general.

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