[yocto] Yocto Qt!

Florin Cristian Dan dan.florincristian at gmail.com
Mon Mar 25 00:53:33 PDT 2013

This is my fifth mail i think and no one still responded me, i'm trying to
start developing apps, using Qt and add Qt support to Yocto.
I've built a image for my Intel Atom based target machine, and added
+= "qt4-pkgs" to local.conf file. It burned succesfuly the image
booted on my target machine and the i've pluged in a usb with a simple qt
app wich would displayed a window and tried to do this:

1. cd to a /usr/bin/qtopia/demos/mainwindow  (for example)
2. (qmake -project)
3. qmake -o Makefile mainwindow.pro
3. (uic ui files)
4. make

 But no succes.

Please can someone show me te correct path to do this?
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