[yocto] Can't find guile-2.0

Paul D. DeRocco pderocco at ix.netcom.com
Thu Mar 21 12:10:39 PDT 2013

> From: Burton, Ross
> Ah ha!
> poky contains a copy of oe-core, so you don't need both, for a given
> version the meta/ directories will be identical (poky is the union of
> oe-core, bitbake, and meta-yocto).
> I'd forgotten that meta-oe used to have guile in. Presumably the
> problem here is that autogen-native wants guile-native and it finds
> guile-native_1.8.7 before realising that guile_2.0.7 can also do a
> native build (that's what BBCLASSEXTEND=native does).
> Try using BBMASK to hide the guile in meta-oe.  Add this to 
> your local.conf:
> BBMASK = "meta-oe/recipes-support/guile"

That did it. However, I think we've been chasing floobydust, due to a
cockpit error on my part. The reason I was including openembedded-core/meta
is because it defined fontcache.bbclass, which meta-openembedded/meta-oe
referred to. But that was only true when I was erroneously using the master
branches of their git repositories. Now that I'm on the danny branches, I
see that that isn't a problem any more. So I've removed
openembedded-core/meta entirely from my bblayers.conf, and I'm trying a
rebuild now, and will let you know the results.


Ciao,               Paul D. DeRocco
Paul                mailto:pderocco at ix.netcom.com 

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