[yocto] Yocto Developer Day at ELCE 2012

Andrew Wafaa awafaa at opensuse.org
Mon Oct 8 07:09:04 PDT 2012

Aloha all,

If possible could someone advise on what the content of the Yocto
developr Day will be at this year's ELCE? I'm thinking of attending
but need to know what it entails and how useful it would be for me,
not just so I don't waste time, but also so that I can make the
required case to management to send me there.

I understand there will be a mix of begginer and advanced
sessions/labs but knowing the type of content in those sessions would
be useful.

Many thanks,


Andrew Wafaa
IRC: FunkyPenguin
GPG: 0x3A36312F

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