[yocto] How is the list in package.manifest derived?

Rudolf Streif rudolf.streif at linux.com
Tue May 15 17:33:13 PDT 2012

Related to that I have another question. If I use this recipe to create an

DESCRIPTION = "A small image with gcc"
IMAGE_INSTALL = "task-core-boot gcc"
inherit core-image

and call it myimage.bb

${TMPDIR}/deploy/icenses will contain a subdirectory named myimage.
However, the content of the directory is not, as I would love to have it, a
license.manifest and a package.manifest file but the MIT licensing

What makes a recipe such as core-image-minimal.bb magically different from
myimage.bb so that the former includes the manifests? It does not seem to
be the content of the recipe.

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