[yocto] Adding test files to an image

Khem Raj raj.khem at gmail.com
Thu Mar 8 22:48:32 PST 2012

> >Set S to be what you need in the recipe, e.g.
> >  S = "${WORKDIR}/jfabernathy-${PV}"
> >or whatever it is you need
> >
> Thanks,  I know I can change S, but I need to change where do_unpack
> puts the files.  with them in WORKDIR, I can't just say WORKDIR/*
> because there are a lot of other files and directories at that
> level.
> I need do_unpack to put the files from tar.gz into S for example.

you can do something like

do_unpack_append() {
        bb.build.exec_func('do_move_src', d)

do_move_src() {
        mv ${WORKDIR}/<yoursources> ${S}/

but if you can repackage that tar file to untar into
some dir that would simplify things
and you just need to reset S

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