[yocto] [PATCH 0/8] Yocto BSP tools

tom.zanussi at intel.com tom.zanussi at intel.com
Thu Mar 1 23:01:06 PST 2012

From: Tom Zanussi <tom.zanussi at intel.com>

This patchset implements the 'yocto-bsp' and 'yocto-kernel' BSP tools
previously described in some detail in this RFC posting:


With the functionality implemented by this patchset, you can:

- create a new Yocto BSP for any architecture supported Yocto, as well
  as qemu versions of the same.  The default mode of operation when
  invoked from the command-line is to prompt the user for information
  needed to generate the BSP.  For the current set of BSPs, the user
  is prompted for various important parameters such as which kernel to
  use, which branch of that kernel to use (or re-use), whether or not
  to use X, and if so, which drivers to use, whether to turn on SMP,
  whether the BSP has a keyboard, touchscreen, etc.

  There's also an option (-i) that allows all the necessary
  information to be supplied directly as a JSON object instead, which
  allows the built-in prompting to be bypassed.  This is mainly for
  use by developers of alternate UIs, such as the ADT integration that
  should now be possible with what's provided here.

  (available via the 'yocto-bsp create' command)

- list the architectures available for BSP generation (using the
  'yocto-bsp list karch' command).  You can also list the properties
  and possible values for those properties for all the input items
  needed for a given architecture in order to create a bsp.  The
  latter is mainly useful for developers of alternate UIs.  See the
  documention in the built-in help system for details of the extensive
  data displayed by this command.

  (available via the 'yocto-bsp list' command)

- add and remove kernel patches to/from the BSP, as well as list the
  kernel patches attached to the active kernel recipe for the BSP.

  (available via the 'yocto-kernel patch add/rm/list' commands)

- add and remove kernel config items to/from the BSP, as well as list
  the user-defined config items attached to the active kernel recipe
  for the BSP.

  (available via the 'yocto-kernel config add/rm/list' commands)

The built-in help system that makes it easy to drill down at any time
and remind oneself of the syntax required for any specific command:

Simply entering the name of the command, or the command along with
'help' will display a list of the available sub-commands. For example:

$ yocto-bsp
$ yocto-bsp help


 Create a customized Yocto BSP layer.

 usage: yocto-bsp [--version] [--help] COMMAND [ARGS]

 The most commonly used 'yocto-bsp' commands are:
    create	      Create a new Yocto BSP
    list	      List available values for options and BSP properties

 See 'yocto-bsp help COMMAND' for more information on a specific command.

  --version    show program's version number and exit
  -h, --help   show this help message and exit
  -D, --debug  output debug information

Similarly, entering just the name of the subcommand will show the
detailed usage for that command:

$ yocto-bsp create


 Create a new Yocto BSP

 usage: yocto-bsp create <bsp-name> <karch> [-o <DIRNAME> | --outdir <DIRNAME>]

 This command creates a Yocto BSP based on the specified parameters.
 The new BSP will be a new Yocto BSP layer contained by default within
 the top-level directory specified as 'meta-bsp-name'.	The -o option
 can be used to place the BSP layer in a directory with a different
 name and location.


For any subcommand, you can also use the word 'help' just before the
subcommand to get more extensive documentation on the subcommand:

$ yocto-bsp help create

    yocto-bsp create - Create a new Yocto BSP

    yocto-bsp create <bsp-name> <karch> [-o <DIRNAME> | --outdir <DIRNAME>]

    This command creates a Yocto BSP based on the specified
    parameters.  The new BSP will be a new Yocto BSP layer contained
    by default within the top-level directory specified as
    'meta-bsp-name'.  The -o option can be used to place the BSP layer
    in a directory with a different name and location.

    The value of the 'karch' parameter determines the set of files
    that will be generated for the BSP, along with the specific set of
    'properties' that will be used to fill out the BSP-specific
    portions of the BSP.


    NOTE: Once created, you should add your new layer to your
    bblayers.conf file in order for it to be subsquently seen and
    modified by the yocto-kernel tool.

    NOTE for x86- and x86_64-based BSPs: The generated BSP assumes the
    presence of the of the meta-intel layer, so you should also have a
    meta-intel layer present and added to your bblayers.conf as well.

So, armed simply with the knowledge that there are two Yocto BSP
commands, 'yocto-bsp' and 'yocto-kernel', with the help of the help
system and what's implemented by those commands, you should be able to
create a BSP from scratch and do basic configuration and maintenance
of the kernel without ever seeing a Yocto metadata file.

What's not implemented, or what still needs work:

- No support yet for kernel features.
- The 'publish' mechanism isn't yet implemented; currently this is all
  done in 'recipe-space'.
- The template data (the BSP-specific files in the bsp/substrate dir) for
  some specific architectures is untested and probably woefully
  incomplete or too specific (I didn't test what I don't have hardware
- I need to document the template 'language' in order to make that
  easier.  Conceptually, it should be relatively easy to understand by
  looking at the other template files - basically they're just
  straight Yocto metadata files marked up with variable replacement
  tags {{=xxx}} and inline Python in any other tag.

I have tested all the commands for the entire workflow - BSP creation,
kernel patch and configuration commands - for the following
architectures, and have successfully built and booted the generated
and modified BSPs for each:

- qemuarm
- qemux86
- x86
- x86_64

Aside from any other bugs, some work probably still needs to be done
for some of the other non-qemu architectures in order to get them to a
point where BSPs generated for them would stand a reasonable chance of
booting as do the machines tested above.

My plans are to implement the missing functionality as follow-on
patches shortly.  In the meantime, I think the tools should be
functional enough to allow people to accomplish the basic tasks
related to BSP creation and kernel configuration for a Yocto BSP.

To provide a starting point for using the tools and as a quick
illustration of their basic capabilities, I've captured the output of
a couple different sessions below.

The first thing you need to do is source the build environment just as
you would when building an image.  Because the tools are contained in
the /scripts directory, doing so makes them directly available:

$ source oe-init-build-env

Once you've done that, you can invoke the 'yocto-bsp create' command
to create the BSP.  The example below uses 'myarm' as the machine
name, and tells it to use the 'qemu' architecture (the specific qemu
machine architecture to use will be prompte for).  You can use the
'yocto-bsp list karch' command to list the aviailable architectures
for BSP creation:

$ yocto-bsp list karch
Architectures available:

The 'yocto-bsp create' command for the qemu architecture will display
the following prompts along the way to gather the input required for
BSP generation.  Each prompt asks for input, but has a default value
[in brackets].  If you press 'enter' (or any invalid value), the
default value will automatically be used.

In the case of the qemu architecture, the first prompt asks which
emulated architecture to use.  It then asks if the default (3.2) is
ok, and we press enter, essentially telling it 'yes'.  Once we've
selected the kernel, the prompt asks whether we need to have a new
branch in the Yocto kernel git repository created for this BSP, which
is where any patches we add can later be pushed (once we have publish
functionality).  For now, the patches and configuration live only in
recipe-space, but we generate different code for later use in that
regard depending on the answer.  We're then given the opportunity to
select a particular machine branch to use (or re-use if we elected not
to create a new branch).  Because we're generating an arm BSP, we
choose #3 at that prompt to select the arm-versatile branch.  The rest
of the prompts are routine, and once all the questions have been
completed, the BSP is generated along with a message telling you so.

$ yocto-bsp create myarm qemu
Which qemu architecture would you like to use? [default: x86]
	1) common 32-bit x86
	2) common 64-bit x86
	3) common 32-bit ARM
	4) common 32-bit PowerPC
	5) common 32-bit MIPS
Would you like to use the default (3.2) kernel? (Y/n)
Do you need a new machine branch for this BSP (the alternative is to re-use an existing branch)? [Y/n]
Getting branches from remote repo git://git.yoctoproject.org/linux-yocto-3.2...
Please choose a machine branch to base this BSP on => [default: standard/default/common-pc]
	1) base
	2) standard/base
	3) standard/default/arm-versatile-926ejs
	4) standard/default/base
	5) standard/default/beagleboard
	6) standard/default/cedartrail
	7) standard/default/common-pc-64/base
	8) standard/default/common-pc-64/jasperforest
	9) standard/default/common-pc-64/romley
	10) standard/default/common-pc-64/sugarbay
	11) standard/default/common-pc/atom-pc
	12) standard/default/common-pc/base
	13) standard/default/crownbay
	14) standard/default/emenlow
	15) standard/default/fishriver
	16) standard/default/fri2
	17) standard/default/fsl-mpc8315e-rdb
	18) standard/default/mti-malta32-be
	19) standard/default/mti-malta32-le
	20) standard/default/preempt-rt
	21) standard/default/qemu-ppc32
	22) standard/default/routerstationpro
	23) standard/preempt-rt/base
	24) standard/preempt-rt/qemu-ppc32
	25) standard/preempt-rt/routerstationpro
	26) standard/tiny
Do you need SMP support? (Y/n)
Does your BSP have a touchscreen? (y/N)
Does your BSP have a keyboard? (Y/n)
New qemu BSP created in meta-myarm

Now that we have our BSP created, we need to add it to our
bblayers.conf.  This of course is required in order to build the BSP,
but it's also required in order for the 'yocto-kernel' tool to be able
to find the layer and other metadata it needs to operate on.

$ emacs -nw conf/bblayers.conf
Add the BSP layer to e.g. BBLAYERS
/home/trz/bsptest/build/meta-myarm \

We can now use the 'yocto-kernel' command to add patches and config
items to the BSP's kernel.

First, let's see what's available via in 'yocto-kernel' command:

$ yocto-kernel

 Modify and list Yocto BSP kernel config items and patches.

 usage: yocto-kernel [--version] [--help] COMMAND [ARGS]

 The most commonly used 'yocto-kernel' commands are:
   config list	     List the modifiable set of bare kernel config options for a BSP
   config add	     Add or modify bare kernel config options for a BSP
   config rm	     Remove bare kernel config options from a BSP
   patch list	     List the patches associated with a BSP
   patch add	     Patch the Yocto kernel for a BSP
   patch rm	     Remove patches from a BSP

 See 'yocto-kernel help COMMAND' for more information on a specific command.

Let's add a couple patches:

$ yocto-kernel patch add myarm//home/trz/junk.patch
Added patches:

$ yocto-kernel patch add myarm /home/trz/yocto-testmod.patch
Added patches:

We can list the patches associated with the kernel and verify what we

$ yocto-kernel patch list myarm
The current set of machine-specific patches for myarm is:
	1) junk.patch
	2) yocto-testmod.patch

Let's remove one of the patches, junk.patch:

$ yocto-kernel patch rm myarm
Specify the patches to remove:
	1) junk.patch
	2) yocto-testmod.patch
Removed patches:

Listing again shows that it's been removed:

$ yocto-kernel patch list myarm
The current set of machine-specific patches for myarm is:
	1) yocto-testmod.patch

Similarly, we can add kernel config items by using the 'yocto-kernel
config add' command:

$ yocto-kernel config add myarm CONFIG_MISC_DEVICES=y
Added items:

$ yocto-kernel config add myarm KCONFIG_YOCTO_TESTMOD=y
Added items:

Finally, we can list the config items now associated with the BSP and
see the config items we added along with some others.

$ yocto-kernel config list myarm
The current set of machine-specific kernel config items for myarm is:

Finally, as an example of a BSP for some actual hardware, below we
generate an i386 BSP for an Atom board.  We specify the 3.0 kernel
instead of the default 3.2 kernel and in this case specify that we'll
re-use an existing branch and take the default kernel branch
suggested.  We also specify that we want to use the Atom tuning and
that we also want support for X and in this case we'll start by using
the vesa driver.  Again, the remaining items are straightforward, and
finally, building this BSP might stand a good chance of actually
booting and running on the actual Atom hardware, or it may not (most
likely).  If it's the kernel that needs tweaking, then of course, the
'yocto-kernel' command can be used to make those modifications.

$ yocto-bsp create myatom i386
Would you like to use the default (3.2) kernel? (Y/n) n
Please choose the kernel to use in this BSP => [default: linux-yocto_3.2]
	1) linux-yocto-rt_3.2
	2) linux-yocto_3.2
	3) linux-yocto_3.0
	4) linux-yocto-rt_3.0
Do you need a new machine branch for this BSP (the alternative is to re-use an existing branch)? [Y/n] n
Getting branches from remote repo git://git.yoctoproject.org/linux-yocto-3.0...
Please choose a machine branch to base this BSP on => [default: yocto/standard/base]
	1) yocto/base
	2) yocto/eg20t
	3) yocto/emgd
	4) yocto/emgd-1.10
	5) yocto/gma500
	6) yocto/pvr
	7) yocto/standard/arm-versatile-926ejs
	8) yocto/standard/base
	9) yocto/standard/beagleboard
	10) yocto/standard/cedartrail
	11) yocto/standard/common-pc-64/base
	12) yocto/standard/common-pc-64/jasperforest
	13) yocto/standard/common-pc-64/romley
	14) yocto/standard/common-pc-64/sugarbay
	15) yocto/standard/common-pc/atom-pc
	16) yocto/standard/common-pc/base
	17) yocto/standard/crownbay
	18) yocto/standard/emenlow
	19) yocto/standard/fishriver
	20) yocto/standard/fri2
	21) yocto/standard/fsl-mpc8315e-rdb
	22) yocto/standard/mti-malta32-be
	23) yocto/standard/mti-malta32-le
	24) yocto/standard/pandaboard
	25) yocto/standard/preempt-rt/base
	26) yocto/standard/preempt-rt/qemu-ppc32
	27) yocto/standard/preempt-rt/routerstationpro
	28) yocto/standard/qemu-ppc32
	29) yocto/standard/routerstationpro

Do you need SMP support? (Y/n)
Which machine tuning would you like to use? [default: tune_core2]
	1) Atom tuning optimizations
	2) Core2 tuning optimizations
Do you need support for X? (Y/n)
Please select an xserver for this machine [default: xserver_i915]
	1) VESA xserver support
	2) EMGD xserver support (proprietary)
	3) i915 xserver support
Does your BSP have a touchscreen? (y/N)
Does your BSP have a keyboard? (Y/n)
New i386 BSP created in meta-myatom

Hopefully the above examples along with the documentation contained in
the built-in help system are enough to start becoming productive with
these tools; please let me know of anything lacking, bugs, etc.  Any
and all input appreciated,


The following changes since commit 6b6aa170d5c618cfcd016dd1de926db647f7f932:
  Gary Thomas (1):
        busybox: Restore 'date' compatability

are available in the git repository at:

  git://git.yoctoproject.org/poky-contrib.git tzanussi/yocto-bsp-tools

Tom Zanussi (8):
  yocto-bsp: add BSP template files
  yocto-bsp-tools: add bsp library
  yocto-bsp: add templating engine
  yocto-bsp: add kernel interface
  yocto-bsp-tools: add help/usage
  yocto-bsp: add some useful constants
  yocto-bsp: new script
  yocto-kernel: new script

 scripts/lib/bsp/__init__.py                        |   17 +
 scripts/lib/bsp/engine.py                          | 1336 ++++++++++++++++++++
 scripts/lib/bsp/help.py                            |  588 +++++++++
 scripts/lib/bsp/kernel.py                          |  679 ++++++++++
 .../target/arch/arm/conf/machine/{{=machine}}.conf |   87 ++
 .../{{ if xserver == \"y\": }} xorg.conf"          |   34 +
 ... == \"y\": }} xserver-xf86-config_0.1.bbappend" |    3 +
 .../linux/files/{{=machine}}-non_hardware.cfg      |   30 +
 .../linux/files/{{=machine}}-preempt-rt.scc        |    8 +
 .../linux/files/{{=machine}}-standard.scc          |    8 +
 .../recipes-kernel/linux/files/{{=machine}}.cfg    |  336 +++++
 .../recipes-kernel/linux/files/{{=machine}}.scc    |    7 +
 .../arm/recipes-kernel/linux/kernel-list.noinstall |    3 +
 ...yocto-rt_3.0\": }} linux-yocto-rt_3.0.bbappend" |   34 +
 ...yocto-rt_3.2\": }} linux-yocto-rt_3.2.bbappend" |   34 +
 ...linux-yocto_3.0\": }} linux-yocto_3.0.bbappend" |   36 +
 ...linux-yocto_3.2\": }} linux-yocto_3.2.bbappend" |   34 +
 .../bsp/substrate/target/arch/common/COPYING.MIT   |   17 +
 .../lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/common/README    |  118 ++
 .../substrate/target/arch/common/README.sources    |   17 +
 .../substrate/target/arch/common/conf/layer.conf   |   10 +
 .../formfactor/formfactor/{{=machine}}/machconfig  |    5 +
 .../recipes-bsp/formfactor/formfactor_0.0.bbappend |    3 +
 .../tasks/task-core-tools-profile.bbappend         |    2 +
 .../arch/i386/conf/machine/{{=machine}}.conf       |   44 +
 ...erver_choice == \"xserver_emgd\": }} xorg.conf" |   48 +
 ...erver_choice == \"xserver_i915\": }} xorg.conf" |   26 +
 ...erver_choice == \"xserver_vesa\": }} xorg.conf" |   26 +
 ... == \"y\": }} xserver-xf86-config_0.1.bbappend" |    3 +
 .../linux/files/{{=machine}}-preempt-rt.scc        |    8 +
 .../linux/files/{{=machine}}-standard.scc          |    8 +
 .../recipes-kernel/linux/files/{{=machine}}.cfg    |   54 +
 .../recipes-kernel/linux/files/{{=machine}}.scc    |   30 +
 .../recipes-kernel/linux/kernel-list.noinstall     |    3 +
 ...yocto-rt_3.0\": }} linux-yocto-rt_3.0.bbappend" |   34 +
 ...yocto-rt_3.2\": }} linux-yocto-rt_3.2.bbappend" |   34 +
 ...linux-yocto_3.0\": }} linux-yocto_3.0.bbappend" |   36 +
 ...linux-yocto_3.2\": }} linux-yocto_3.2.bbappend" |   34 +
 .../arch/mips/conf/machine/{{=machine}}.conf       |   28 +
 .../linux/files/{{=machine}}-preempt-rt.scc        |    8 +
 .../linux/files/{{=machine}}-standard.scc          |    8 +
 .../recipes-kernel/linux/files/{{=machine}}.cfg    |    1 +
 .../recipes-kernel/linux/files/{{=machine}}.scc    |    8 +
 .../recipes-kernel/linux/kernel-list.noinstall     |    3 +
 ...yocto-rt_3.0\": }} linux-yocto-rt_3.0.bbappend" |   34 +
 ...yocto-rt_3.2\": }} linux-yocto-rt_3.2.bbappend" |   34 +
 ...linux-yocto_3.0\": }} linux-yocto_3.0.bbappend" |   36 +
 ...linux-yocto_3.2\": }} linux-yocto_3.2.bbappend" |   34 +
 .../arch/powerpc/conf/machine/{{=machine}}.conf    |   53 +
 .../recipes-kernel/linux/files/user-config.cfg     |    4 +
 .../linux/files/{{=machine}}-preempt-rt.scc        |    8 +
 .../linux/files/{{=machine}}-standard.scc          |    8 +
 .../recipes-kernel/linux/files/{{=machine}}.cfg    |  163 +++
 .../recipes-kernel/linux/files/{{=machine}}.scc    |   11 +
 .../recipes-kernel/linux/kernel-list.noinstall     |    3 +
 ...yocto-rt_3.0\": }} linux-yocto-rt_3.0.bbappend" |   34 +
 ...yocto-rt_3.2\": }} linux-yocto-rt_3.2.bbappend" |   34 +
 ...linux-yocto_3.0\": }} linux-yocto_3.0.bbappend" |   36 +
 ...linux-yocto_3.2\": }} linux-yocto_3.2.bbappend" |   34 +
 .../arch/qemu/conf/machine/{{=machine}}.conf       |   59 +
 .../xserver-xf86-config/{{=machine}}/xorg.conf     |   69 +
 ..."x86_64\": }} xserver-xf86-config_0.1.bbappend" |    2 +
 .../recipes-kernel/linux/files/user-config.cfg     |    4 +
 .../linux/files/{{=machine}}-preempt-rt.scc        |   30 +
 .../linux/files/{{=machine}}-standard.scc          |   30 +
 .../recipes-kernel/linux/files/{{=machine}}.scc    |    6 +
 .../recipes-kernel/linux/kernel-list.noinstall     |    3 +
 ...yocto-rt_3.0\": }} linux-yocto-rt_3.0.bbappend" |   32 +
 ...yocto-rt_3.2\": }} linux-yocto-rt_3.2.bbappend" |   32 +
 ...linux-yocto_3.0\": }} linux-yocto_3.0.bbappend" |   34 +
 ...linux-yocto_3.2\": }} linux-yocto_3.2.bbappend" |   34 +
 .../arch/x86_64/conf/machine/{{=machine}}.conf     |   29 +
 ...erver_choice == \"xserver_i915\": }} xorg.conf" |   26 +
 ...erver_choice == \"xserver_vesa\": }} xorg.conf" |   26 +
 ... == \"y\": }} xserver-xf86-config_0.1.bbappend" |    3 +
 .../linux/files/{{=machine}}-preempt-rt.scc        |    8 +
 .../linux/files/{{=machine}}-standard.scc          |    8 +
 .../recipes-kernel/linux/files/{{=machine}}.cfg    |   47 +
 .../recipes-kernel/linux/files/{{=machine}}.scc    |   17 +
 .../recipes-kernel/linux/kernel-list.noinstall     |    3 +
 ...yocto-rt_3.0\": }} linux-yocto-rt_3.0.bbappend" |   34 +
 ...yocto-rt_3.2\": }} linux-yocto-rt_3.2.bbappend" |   34 +
 ...linux-yocto_3.0\": }} linux-yocto_3.0.bbappend" |   36 +
 ...linux-yocto_3.2\": }} linux-yocto_3.2.bbappend" |   34 +
 scripts/lib/bsp/tags.py                            |   39 +
 scripts/yocto-bsp                                  |  131 ++
 scripts/yocto-kernel                               |  219 ++++
 87 files changed, 5445 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 scripts/lib/bsp/__init__.py
 create mode 100644 scripts/lib/bsp/engine.py
 create mode 100644 scripts/lib/bsp/help.py
 create mode 100644 scripts/lib/bsp/kernel.py
 create mode 100644 scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/arm/.gitignore
 create mode 100644 scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/arm/conf/machine/{{=machine}}.conf
 create mode 100644 "scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/arm/recipes-graphics/xorg-xserver/xserver-xf86-config/{{=machine}}/{{ if xserver == \"y\": }} xorg.conf"
 create mode 100644 "scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/arm/recipes-graphics/xorg-xserver/{{ if xserver == \"y\": }} xserver-xf86-config_0.1.bbappend"
 create mode 100644 scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/arm/recipes-kernel/linux/files/user-config.cfg
 create mode 100644 scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/arm/recipes-kernel/linux/files/user-patches.scc
 create mode 100644 scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/arm/recipes-kernel/linux/files/{{=machine}}-non_hardware.cfg
 create mode 100644 scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/arm/recipes-kernel/linux/files/{{=machine}}-preempt-rt.scc
 create mode 100644 scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/arm/recipes-kernel/linux/files/{{=machine}}-standard.scc
 create mode 100644 scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/arm/recipes-kernel/linux/files/{{=machine}}.cfg
 create mode 100644 scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/arm/recipes-kernel/linux/files/{{=machine}}.scc
 create mode 100644 scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/arm/recipes-kernel/linux/kernel-list.noinstall
 create mode 100644 "scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/arm/recipes-kernel/linux/{{ if kernel_choice == \"linux-yocto-rt_3.0\": }} linux-yocto-rt_3.0.bbappend"
 create mode 100644 "scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/arm/recipes-kernel/linux/{{ if kernel_choice == \"linux-yocto-rt_3.2\": }} linux-yocto-rt_3.2.bbappend"
 create mode 100644 "scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/arm/recipes-kernel/linux/{{ if kernel_choice == \"linux-yocto_3.0\": }} linux-yocto_3.0.bbappend"
 create mode 100644 "scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/arm/recipes-kernel/linux/{{ if kernel_choice == \"linux-yocto_3.2\": }} linux-yocto_3.2.bbappend"
 create mode 100644 scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/common/COPYING.MIT
 create mode 100644 scripts/lib/bsp/substrate/target/arch/common/README
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