[yocto] Yocto and Google Protocol Buffers

Giovanni Foiani fnognn at unife.it
Wed Jul 25 01:35:53 PDT 2012


does anyone have configured a recipe for make Google Protocol
Buffers working?
This is my recipe:

*SUMMARY = "Protocol Buffers - Google's data interchange format"*
*DESCRIPTION = "Protocol Buffers are a way of encoding structured data in
an efficient yet extensible format"*
*SECTION = "libs"*
*LICENSE = "LGPLv2.1"*
*PR = "r0"*
*SRC_URI = "http://protobuf.googlecode.com/files/protobuf-2.4.1.tar.gz"*
*SRC_URI[md5sum] = "dc84e9912ea768baa1976cb7bbcea7b5"*
*SRC_URI[sha256sum] =
*inherit autotools*
*do_configure() {*
* ./configure --host=arm*
cannot execute binary file
make[2]: *** [unittest_proto_middleman] Error 126

I also tried with *-with-protoc=protoc *option in configure command but
without success..
Does anyone can help me to write a correct recipe for Protobuf library (and
also for protobuf-c)?



Dott. Ing. Giovanni Foiani

Cell:        +39-349-3577515
Phone:    +39-0532-97-4106
mail:        giovanni.foiani at unife.it
CenTec - Corso Guercino, 47 - 44042 Cento (FE)
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