[yocto] linux-xilinx: uImage.dtb files not being generated anymore

Elvis Dowson elvis.dowson at gmail.com
Sun Jul 15 11:05:54 PDT 2012


On Jul 15, 2012, at 9:23 PM, Elvis Dowson wrote:

> I tried various combinations, but all of them did not yield a dtb file.
> KERNEL_DEVICETREE = "virtex440-ml507.dtb"  (as you suggested in your original email, but I guess it might have been a typo? should be .dts?)
> KERNEL_DEVICETREE = "virtex440-ml507.dts"
> KERNEL_DEVICETREE = "arch/powerpc/boot/dts/virtex440-ml507.dts"
> How exactly should I specify the .dts to get yocto to generate the .dtb file?

I found the solution, I had to ensure that the KERNEL_DEVICE tree variable evaluate to the following 

KERNEL_DEVICETREE = "${S}/arch/powerpc/boot/dts/virtex440-ml507.dts"

i.e. it was missing the ${S} prefix.

Elvis Dowson

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