[yocto] Python Math Module

Pedro Algarvio pedro at algarvio.me
Mon Jan 2 11:07:11 PST 2012

I've started to port the Mini2440 openembedded layer found at
http://code.google.com/p/mini2440/ and also PySide from Angstrom or
the old OpenEmbedded layers I think(can't remember now).

My layers can be found at http://dev.ufsoft.org/projects/yocto

I found out while porting PySide's examples that python does not ship
with it's math module, is there a specific reason why?

I need to add that I'm pretty new to all this, so I might be doin'
things the wrong way...

Anyway, any pointers on how to add the python's math module to an
image is more than welcome, I'd like to include it as a dependency for
the pyside examples bb script.

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