[yocto] Unable to fetch file://lib for package emgd in yoctyo 1.2 (aka M2)

autif khan autif.mlist at gmail.com
Tue Feb 7 08:16:57 PST 2012

>> > I am bitbaking core image sato for machine corwnbay (with the emgd
>> > driver) and the emgd-driver-bin recipe seems to fail.
>> >
>> > Here is the error. I searched the archives, but could not find anything.
>> >
>> > Please advise.
>> It looks like the problem may be forgetting to carry out the steps in
>> section 'II. Special notes for building the meta-crownbay BSP layer' in
>> the README.
>> Note that this is no longer necessary if you use master - the
>> emgd-driver-bin recipe has been upgraded to do the steps there
>> automatically, which is now possible because it uses the LICENSE_FLAGS,
>> but which does mean you need to set the LICENSE_FLAGS_WHITELIST as
>> mentioned in the new README for crownbay in master.
> I can confirm that using the master branch is the way to go to make this
> easy.
> I documented my test of it at :
> https://wiki.yoctoproject.org/wiki/How_do_I#Q:_How_do_I_setup_Intel.C2.AE_Atom.E2.84.A2_Processor_E6xx_based_system_for_media_playback.3F

Confirmed - after following all the steps in section II of the README
in meta-intel/meta-crownbay - the build worked.

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