[yocto] Experience survey of using Yocto 1.2

Alyne, Howard howard.alyne at windriver.com
Wed Apr 4 07:53:41 PDT 2012

Experience survey of using Yocto 1.2

Q: Which architecture did you choose to build?

A:  qemu x86 and beagleboard

Q: How easily were you able to build an image and boot an image?

A:  very simple. The format of the local.conf is straight forward

Q: Is there any surprise to you in the process of doing this Beta testing? If so, would you please describe it and tell us how you expected it to work?

A:  It took long to build than I expected.  Not sure if the parallel build on my machine was working properly.

Q: How do you like our HOB interface? Please provide us with your thoughts and suggestions on HOB interface and functionality.

A:  I had trouble using hob for the beagleboard.  I only got to play with it for qemu.

I had trouble with package selection. When I tried to build a package list, it often didn't come back with a list.

I also saw a number of errors reported in the background terminal when hob was launched.

It just reported building packages list ... for a long time.  Not sure what it was doing.

Since I haven't seen this work to completion, not sure where to file a defect.

Q: Was it easy to find the support you needed to build and boot an image?

A:   yes

Q: Which Bugzilla reports did you submit?

A:  Bug 2232 - hob fails to configure project for beagleboard

Q: Did you try anything else with Yocto 1.2?

A:  I am still in the process of setting up a gdbserver test with beagleboard.

I would like to have a easier way to select to create a debug filesystem.

I think you can do this with hob, but I had troubles above.

Q: What would you like to have in Yocto Project for future releases?
A:  In the next beta phase, it would be good to get a kick off meeting to got over new features for that release.
We could go over suggestion to "divide and conquer" what we should focus on.

Also a primer on hob might be a good discussion.

I only got to work with it for a few days, since I was on vacation all last week.
Considering the short amount of time spent, it went fairly well.
Howard Alyne
Sr. Engineering Specialist
WIND RIVER | ph 847-658-7040 | cell 847-302-5610
howard.alyne at windriver.com<blocked::blocked::mailto:k at windriver.com> |www.windriver.com

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