[yocto] pseudo issue on CentOS5

Joshua Lock josh at linux.intel.com
Tue Jul 19 10:06:46 PDT 2011

On Fri, 2011-07-15 at 21:23 +0000, McClintock Matthew-B29882 wrote:
> This bug: http://bugzilla.yoctoproject.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1177 only
> occurs on my CentOS 5 boxes (not on my Fedora 13 box). I have
> determined that this git patch
> 4b66ce472871618cfe4761861392b7f9c3c265b0 is causing the problem.
> Reverting the patch fixes this.
> Still looking at this more but I thought I would share this with
> everyone and see if anyone has a more specific reason why this is
> happening.

I filed bug #1251[1] based on our conversation on IRC and a brief follow
on with Mark, who does some pseudo work.

Mark indicated that we'll need to check glibc on the CentOS machine and
find the symbol and versions for all of the realpath functions.

I need to set up a CentOS VM before I can get around to this but if you
get opportunity you could do so and update the bug?

You can use 'objdump -T' for this, i.e. (from my F15 box):
joshual at scimitar:~
$ objdump -T /lib/libc.so.6 | grep realpath
416c3f00 g    DF .text	00000041 (GLIBC_2.0)  realpath
415e60e0 g    DF .text	00000478  GLIBC_2.3   realpath
4169a330 g    DF .text	00000037  GLIBC_2.4   __realpath_chk


1. http://bugzilla.yoctoproject.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1251
Joshua Lock
        Yocto Project "Johannes factotum"
        Intel Open Source Technology Centre

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