[yocto] Call for help for demo UPNP media renderer

Joshua Lock josh at linux.intel.com
Tue Oct 19 14:15:03 PDT 2010

Hi all,

I've packaged Rygel, a upnp media server and renderer, to use as the
media renderer in the upnp demo. However I'm seeing a segfault at launch
and as it's getting late here I'm wondering if someone in a strategic
timezone can help debug while I cycle home and sleep.

The (ugly) recipes are in the josh/demo branch of the meta-demo

rygel --gst-debug-level=5 

shows plenty of output, but nothing that jumps out to a gstreamer newb
like me. AFAICT I have all of the plugins required but it's possible we
need to add more.

If not I'll pick it up again in the morning.

Joshua Lock
        Intel Open Source Technology Centre

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