[yocto] Autobuilder changes and Milestone2

Flanagan, Elizabeth elizabeth.flanagan at intel.com
Sat Dec 18 10:14:18 PST 2010


This morning I stopped the autobuilder and fixed a few scripts that caused our first milestone build to not generate a source release tarball. I also removed a few unneeded sdk targets from milestone-internal and fixed the CURRENT linking issue. I'll have these all packaged up and ready to pull into the poky-autobuilder repo next week but I wanted to go through the changes before I left for the weekend (so I don't forget what I did :) )

The first change was with poky-autobuild-generate-sources-tarball. The tarball generation failed due to git trying to archive a hardcoded branch (master). This script now takes an optional third arg of $BRANCH. If the third arg isn't set, it defaults to 'master'. This should fix the source tarball generation. 

The second change was to poky-autobuild-generate-release. This script now takes an optional third arg of 'current', which causes it to just create a CURRENT symlink to the latest release directory. I want to remove this functionality from this script as issuing a 'current' doesn't actually generate a release and the functionality should be extracted and put in it's own script. It was just a convenient place to put it for now.

I also removed all the non-IA arch  sdk builds from milestone-internal. Building these happens on milestone-external and is not needed.

M2 build 2 is now running and judging from the last build, milestone-external should be done around 12 noon PST tomorrow and milestone-internal finished around 8am PST.

If you have any questions or concerns, I'll be checking email intermittently this weekend.


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