[Yocto-builds] Qt5 with linuxfb enabled on cgtqmx6

Joshua Collins joshua.collins at arcontia.se
Wed May 14 23:48:47 PDT 2014


I would like to build a distribution that has Qt5 (The dora repository for meta-qt5 appears to be at version 5.1.1) with linuxfb support enabled. Currently I have built a version that has Qt5 but I can only run with EGLFS (this is undesirable as we need to be able to specify the specific frame buffer so that we can run two applications on different screens. My understanding is that this is not possible before Qt5.3 with EGLFS. To briefly outline what I have done:

I have used a script from congatec to checkout out the "meta-fsl-arm-extra", "meta-fsl-arm", "base", "meta-fsl-demo", "meta-openembedded" and "poky" repositories from the congatec repository. I also checkout out "meta-qt5" from https://github.com/meta-qt. I then set up the build directory with MACHINE=cgtqmx6. I created a recipe in the "meta-fsl-arm" directory based on the recipe described in this mail: http://comments.gmane.org/gmane.linux.embedded.yocto.meta-freescale/6129. I then built the recipe, which as I stated above, can be run on the board, but does not have Qt5 configured correctly.

I am having trouble understanding how to change the configuration of the Qt build. I can see in the "qtbase.inc" file in meta-qt5 that there is a variable QT_CONFIG_FLAGS which I think I should be changing. I am getting very confused (as I am very new to yocto and these sort of build systems) as to how to change this variable though. The file uses the following notation:

PACKAGECONFIG[linuxfb] = "-linuxfb,-no-linuxfb"

To define different parts of the PACKAGECONFIG variable (I guess), can anyone explain to me the [] notation being used here? I assume that I need to add some sort of configuration line to either my recipe or my conf file to make the build use certain configurations.

Any pointers would be greatly appreciated.

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