[Yocto-bsp] Starting point for a new board

Patrick kpa_info at yahoo.fr
Fri Jan 20 05:01:20 PST 2012

Dear mailing-list,

I have created a new custom board based on an OMAP4430 processor. This board is very close to the Pandaboard.
I have already a working bootloader and a working 3.0 kernel, both stored in two git tree.

Now I would like to build a custom, well optimised, user space rootfs for my board, using Yocto.
I have red many doc from the yocto project website and I was able to build the beagleboard minimal image and use this rootfs (and my working kernel) with my board.
Now I would like to build my own "machine" or "bsp" in Yocto to properly configure which package I need.

Could you please point me what should be the best approach for this ? Should I use the meta-ti ? Where to find them? Should I create a new machine or a new BSP or both ?
If it's help, it's ok for me to use Yocto only for the rootfs and to manage my kernel and my bootloader externaly.

Thanks in advance for any help !


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