[yocto-announce] Oryx Linux 0.2.0 Released

Beth 'pidge' Flanagan pidge at toganlabs.com
Tue Jul 4 16:18:58 PDT 2017

Back in May, we introduced our Oryx Linux project and let you know about our ambitions for the v0.2.0 release. We’re now pleased to announce that v0.2.0 has been released!


Oryx Linux is an embedded Linux® distribution based around the Yocto Project and OpenEmbedded. It incorporates a lightweight container runtime engine to bring the benefits of containerisation to the embedded sector without disrupting existing developer workflows. Please see our previous blog post at http://oryx-linux.org/2017/05/03/overview for more details.

Key Features and Supported Platforms

Oryx Linux v0.2.0 consists of the following components:

    - Host system images for all supported platforms which are ready for installation and usage. These images include the usual selection of command line tools and services which make up a simple Linux distribution. They are kept lightweight so as not to impose a burden on memory and storage usage in embedded devices.
    - Two example guest container images for each supported platform:
        - A minimal image consisting of only those components required to provide a functional guest container.
        - A full-cmdline image consisting of those same components plus additional convenience packages found in more desktop-oriented command line environments.
    - The oryxcmd tool, included in the host images, to manage guest containers. This tool supports the configuration of sources from which guest container images may be obtained. Guest containers are then created by fetching an available image from a registered source and configuring the container runtime engine. Both guests and sources may be removed when they are no longer needed.
    - A source release consisting of a snapshot of Bitbake and the OpenEmbedded metadata layers which were used to produce the above images. This source release may be used to re-build Oryx Linux images as needed but also to extend Oryx Linux to support new devices and new guest container images.

In this release, Oryx Linux images are provided for the Raspberry Pi and Raspberry Pi 3 devices, as well as the emulated qemux86 platform.

Oryx Lite

Oryx Lite is a stripped down configuration of Oryx Linux for platforms which do not support all containerisation features of the full Oryx Linux distribution. Instead, a selection of application-focused native images are made available.

In this release, Oryx Lite consists of a minimal image and a full-cmdline image for the Arduino Yún platform. As the feature set of Oryx Linux is expanded in upcoming releases, all features which do not depend on the container runtime will be made available as part of Oryx Lite.

Further Details
For further details please see the release notes at https://downloads.toganlabs.com/oryx/distro/0.2.0/RELEASE_NOTES.txt or the full documentation at https://downloads.toganlabs.com/oryx/docs/0.2.0/html/

For support requests, bug reports or other feedback please open an issue in the Togán Labs bug tracker at https://bugs.toganlabs.com/ or contact us at support at toganlabs.com

Raspberry Pi is a trademark of the Raspberry Pi Foundation. Linux® is the registered trademark of Linus Torvalds in the U.S. and other countries.

Beth 'pidge' Flanagan
CTO/CEO Togán Labs Ltd.
www.toganlabs.com | pidge at toganlabs.com

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