[Toaster] Toaster database error

Muhammad Shakeel Khan email.mshakeel at gmail.com
Wed Oct 3 05:53:29 PDT 2018


I have setup Toaster production instance using Rocko 2.4.2 and it works
fine usually.

Some of our builds have mono libraries and related files (with very long
paths of files to be installed) and for that build I see the following

ERROR: (1406, "Data too long for column 'path' at row 1")

And with this error the Toaster fails to show correct status of a command
line build.

I have worked around this by setting Mysql non-strict mode but that doesn't
look like a good solution and may lead to other errors.

Do you think we can change the SQL entry that specifies the length of
'path' element? What is the limit on this?

Best Regards,
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