[poky] git tarballs gone?

Richard Purdie richard.purdie at linuxfoundation.org
Thu Feb 10 07:13:00 PST 2011

On Thu, 2011-02-10 at 07:46 -0700, Gary Thomas wrote:
> On 02/09/2011 06:37 PM, Richard Purdie wrote:
> > On Wed, 2011-02-09 at 18:13 -0700, Gary Thomas wrote:
> >> I just noticed that with the new fetcher, git tarballs are
> >> no longer being created.
> >>     * Is this expected?
> >>     * Can it be [re]enabled?  This is a great help to me so I
> >>       can distribute pre-staged sources to my customers. Tarballs
> >>       are much more convenient than .git repositories.
> >
> > Its expected, just set BB_GENERATE_MIRROR_TARBALLS = "1" in local.conf
> > to generate them if you need them.
> >
> > As standard the average user doesn't need/use/want them and the fetcher
> > no longer needs them so we don't generate them by default any more.
> What would I need to do to get them generated?  Here's what I
> tried (which did not work):
> * I noticed that my build used git.pokylinux.org.matchbox-terminal, so
> ... set BB_GENERATE_MIRROR_TARBALLS in local.conf
> % bitbake matchbox-terminal -c clean
> % rm -f sstate-cache/*matchbox-terminal*
> % bitbake matchbox-terminal
> It seemed happy to use the stored GIT in downloads/git2/git.pokylinux.org.matchbox-terminal,
> but did not generate a tarball during the process.

That download directory already existed? It only updates the tarball if
the repo changes:

        mirror_tarballs = data.getVar("BB_GENERATE_MIRROR_TARBALLS", d, True)
        if mirror_tarballs != "0" and ud.repochanged:
            logger.info("Creating tarball of git repository")
            runfetchcmd("tar -czf %s %s" % (repofile, os.path.join(".") ),

(from git.py in the fetcher)

I guess we could make it do this if the destination file doesn't exist
too, I'll add a patch to do that.



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