[poky] Fetcher Issues

Richard Purdie richard.purdie at linuxfoundation.org
Mon Feb 7 07:39:48 PST 2011

I can only apologise for the disruption with the fetchers at the moment.
There are some serious bugs floating around and its not the user
experience I'd like to be presenting to users.

The reason for the problems is that some corner cases were found in
wider testing that individual testing didn't show up and when we've
tried to fix those, the integrity of the whole fetcher has crumbled
apart :(.

This reinforces my belief that we need to improve the code in question
before the next release and I'm continuing to work on that.

As a result this morning I merged in several further chunks of updates
and am now busy iterating through resolving the fallout from those
changes. The code is getting cleaner and more understandable but there
are so many corner cases and optimisations involved its a complex
problem to unravel.

Thanks for the patience whilst we get this resolved.



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