[meta-virtualization] [PATCH] salt: add recipe for salt

Alejandro del Castillo alejandro.delcastillo at ni.com
Tue May 12 08:38:36 PDT 2015

On 05/11/2015 11:08 PM, Bruce Ashfield wrote:
> The series looks good to me, I've queued it locally and will push it soon.
> Is there a README or HOWTO for any runtime testing ?

There is a ton of documentation on SaltStack website
(http://docs.saltstack.com/en/latest/contents.html). The help is extensive,
which can make it overwhelming.

The recipe has 6 components that provide different System Configuration
Management functionality. For embedded, I expect the majority of the use cases
will involve running only the salt-minion, but I did test all the components.
The components:

salt-master (daemon).-
salt-minion (daemon)
salt-syndic (daemon)
salt-api  (daemon)

If it helps, I can send you the testing that I did for each component.

> Bruce


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