[meta-freescale] Vivante graphics driver

Andy Pont andy.pont at sdcsystems.com
Mon Nov 4 07:04:01 PST 2019

I wrote...

>>>  >>  Secondly, in the tmp/work/…/imx-gpu-viv directory there is a file called
>>>  >>  imx-gpu-viv-6.2.4.p4.0-aarch32.bin and likewise in
>>>  >>  tmp/work/…/imx-gpu-g2d there is a imx-gpu-g2d-6.2.4.p4.0-arm.bin.  I
>>>  >>  presume that these are some kind of firmware file but as far as I can
>>>  >>  see they aren’t making it into the file system on the target.  Do I need
>>>  >>  to do something with them?
>>>  >
>>>  >The version used depends on the target you are building for.
>>>  I am building for a Boundary Devices Nitrogen 6 Lite board (i.MX6 Solo)
>>>  using Yocto and the linux-boundary-4.14 kernel recipe.
>>>  We seem to be having really poor performance with canvas events in our
>>>  HTML5/CSS front end and some of the benchmarks[1] we have run only seem
>>>  to make 10fps.
>>Using what? WPE, Chromium, WebEngine?
>Cog (v0.4.0) and WPE WebKit (v2.26.1) from meta-webkit. It is building 
>with the following defined:
>We aren’t necessarily fixed with using Cog and WPE WebKit so long as we 
>can sit directly on top of the framebuffer without having to introduce 
>the extra overhead of Wayland or X11.
I am trying to get run some comparative tests by building the 
chromium-ozone-wayland recipe from meta-browser but the build is failing 
with the following error:

meson.build:427:4: ERROR: Problem encountered: building dri drivers 
require at least one windowing system or classic osmesa

What do I need to add to my local.conf in order to get this to build?

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