[meta-freescale] QtWebEngine >= 5.10 GL ERROR

Johannes Pointner h4nn35.work at gmail.com
Mon May 7 08:06:42 PDT 2018


I tried to switch to a newer version of Qt (Qt.5.10.1, Qt5.11beta4)
and everything went smove except QtWebEngine. It compiles fine, but
during usage of the browser(e.g. simplebrowser) I get a lot of error
messages like:
ERROR:gles2_cmd_decoder.cc(2523)] [.RenderWorker-0x2072368]GL ERROR
GLES2DecoderImpl::DoBindTexImage2DCHROMIUM: <- error from previous GL
This also causes rendering failures like misplaced objects and black rectangles.

I'm using linux-fslc branch 4.9-1.0.x-imx, imx-gpu-viv_6.2.2.p0 on an
i.MX6DL board.

Is anyone using such an setup already successfully  or has seen the
same error messages?


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