[meta-freescale] Performance Issue with imxg2dcompositor

Deniz Can Dayan dayandenizcan at gmail.com
Thu Sep 21 22:21:19 PDT 2017

(NOTE: I asked this question on NXP's forum and they leaded me here.

I'm trying to compose two videos and stream it to my PC over ethernet.
Streams to be composed are:

   1. A GUI created with Qt
   2. A videotestsrc sink (which will eventually be a live camera stream)

When video 1 and video 2 streamed over ethernet separately, output on my PC
seems OK. But when I use *imxg2dcompositor* element to compose them, I
see *regular
framedrops* on output stream. Here is the pipeline I use :

gst-launch-1.0 \
 imxg2dcompositor name=d \
 sink_1::xpos=0 \
 sink_1::ypos=0  sink_1::alpha=0.99 ! \
imxipuvideotransform ! queue ! imxvpuenc_h264 ! rtph264pay ! udpsink
host= port=5003 \
videotestsrc ! "video/x-raw,format=I420,width=1024,height=768,framerate=25/1"
! d.sink_0 \
multifilesrc location=/dev/fb1 !
"video/x-raw,format=RGBX,width=1024,height=768,framerate=25/1" !\
 videoparse format=12 width=1024 height=768 framerate=25/1 !\
 alpha method=custom target-r=0 target-g=1 target-b=1
black-sensitivity=128 white-sensitivity=0 !\
 videoconvert ! d.sink_1

I thought the alpha element in the pipeline may be causing this, but
eliminating it changed nothing. Also, after this issue, I tried the
compositor element with two videotestsrc elements, and the same framedrop
problem occured. Can anyone help me to find out what is wrong with this? Is
my pipeline wrong or uneffective? Or is it a hardware issue?

Thanks in advance.
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