[meta-freescale] mmcblk2 vs mmcblk0?

Takashi Matsuzawa tmatsuzawa at xevo.com
Thu Sep 14 02:10:40 PDT 2017

I maybe seeing the issue mentioned in the following post?


From: Takashi Matsuzawa
Sent: Thursday, September 14, 2017 2:27 PM
To: meta-freescale at yoctoproject.org
Subject: mmcblk2 vs mmcblk0?

I am recently trying use-mainline-bsp option to build image for SABRE board.
Yocto base is pyro.

I noticed my image recognize the SD card mmcblk0.
Previously (the old images I worked with for morty, etc.) it was mmcblk2, so there may be change of configuration that caused the image to recognize SD drives differently.

I am not sure if this is directly related to use-mainline-bsp option.
It may be by options I otherwise specified/not specified.
dtb difference?

But I want to know where I should look into, if the device should be mmcblk2 is the normal.
Like, driver option, or dtb.

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