[meta-freescale] Non-functioning Jethro minimal image for i.MX6 RIoTboard

Chris None TEH_ROFLMASTER at hotmail.com
Sun Nov 20 14:04:02 PST 2016

Hello everyone,

I'm new to Yocto and enjoy working with Linux and i.MX6-based devices - and therefore all the more excited to connect with this community!

Unfortunately, I'm having some issues getting a minimal image up and running on my RIoTboard using the Jethro branch of the FSL community BSP. I obtain an SD-card image as a result of the build process, however the device does not boot.

I executed the following basic steps to generate the image:

- Obtained the FSL community BSP and switched to the Jethro branch:

  $ repo init -u https://github.com/Freescale/fsl-community-bsp-platform -b jethro
  $ repo sync

- Setup the build environment:

  $ MACHINE=imx6dl-riotboard . ./setup-environment build

- Build the core-image-minimal:

  $ bitbake core-image-minimal

All runs fine, with the result being an sdcard.gz archive located in <REPO_BASE>/build/tmp/deploy/images/imx6dl-riotboard.

I extract and copy it to an SD card:

$ gunzip core-image-minimal-imx6dl-riotboard.sdcard.gz > core-image-minimal-imx6dl-riotboard.sdcard

$ sudo dd if=core-image-minimal-imx6dl-riotboard.sdcard of=/dev/sdd

However, I am seeing no partitions on the device (e.g. using lsblk). Trying to boot the device with the SD card subsequently shows no output or any reaction..

I find this to be somewhat odd, as I have tried the entire process using the fido branch of the same BSP.

I switched to jethro as I plan to integrate another layer which has several patches and fixes incorporated into its jethro branch that are missing in fido (especially things related to the GCC toolchain version...the newer version requires some of the patches applied that are present in the jethro branch of the layer, but not fido).

What could the cause of this possibly be, or what could I have missed in this basic setup?

Regarding my local.conf and bblayers.conf, I basically stuck to all of the steps in the following tutorial, except that I did not add a custom layer but went right to building core-image-minimal and used the jethro branch instead of fido:


I'd appreciate it if someone could provide me with some insight as to what could be going wrong here!


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