[meta-freescale] after upgrade to fido proftpd fails to login using known good user/pass

david at plentovichdesign.com david at plentovichdesign.com
Mon Jul 20 11:11:17 PDT 2015

I have a strange auth issue using normal unix user/pass login.  After
upgrading from dizzy to fido, proftpd (1.3.5) no longer allows a valid
user login (530 login incorrect).  SSH login does work correctly using the
same username and password.  Below I have listed the message log showing
successfile ssh login and failure of proftpd login.

Jul 20 17:11:40 omnitek_mx287bd auth.info sshd[248]: Accepted password for
tom from port 52953 ssh2
Jul 20 17:11:44 omnitek_mx287bd auth.info sshd[252]: Received disconnect
from 11: disconnected by user
Jul 20 17:24:33 omnitek_mx287bd daemon.info proftpd[261]:
([]) - FTP session opened.
Jul 20 17:24:38 omnitek_mx287bd daemon.notice proftpd[261]:
([]) - crypt(3) failed: Invalid argument
Jul 20 17:24:38 omnitek_mx287bd authpriv.notice proftpd[261]:
([]) - USER tom (Login failed): Incorrect d
Jul 20 17:24:40 omnitek_mx287bd daemon.info proftpd[261]:
([]) - FTP session closed.

I added auth trace logging into proftpd but it only shows that the user
password was not authenticated.

2015-07-20 17:24:38,362 [261] <auth:6>: dispatching auth request
"getpwnam" to module mod_auth_unix
2015-07-20 17:24:38,368 [261] <auth:5>: stashed module 'mod_auth_unix.c'
for user 'tom' in the authcache
2015-07-20 17:24:38,374 [261] <auth:5>: stashed name 'tom' for UID 1001 in
the uidcache
2015-07-20 17:24:38,380 [261] <auth:9>: no value found in gidcache for GID
1001: No such file or directory
2015-07-20 17:24:38,381 [261] <auth:6>: dispatching auth request
"gid2name" to module mod_auth_unix
2015-07-20 17:24:38,382 [261] <auth:5>: stashed name 'tom' for GID 1001 in
the gidcache
2015-07-20 17:24:38,382 [261] <auth:6>: dispatching auth request
"getgroups" to module mod_auth_unix
2015-07-20 17:24:38,384 [261] <auth:4>: using getgrouplist(3) to look up
group membership
2015-07-20 17:24:38,395 [261] <auth:4>: using module 'mod_auth_unix.c'
from authcache to authenticate user 'tom'
2015-07-20 17:24:38,395 [261] <auth:6>: dispatching auth request "auth" to
module mod_auth_unix
2015-07-20 17:24:38,395 [261] <auth:7>: looking up user 'tom' via normal
Unix mechanism
2015-07-20 17:24:38,396 [261] <signal:5>: signals blocked
2015-07-20 17:24:38,396 [261] <signal:5>: signals unblocked
2015-07-20 17:24:38,397 [261] <signal:5>: signals blocked
2015-07-20 17:24:38,398 [261] <signal:5>: signals unblocked
2015-07-20 17:24:38,398 [261] <auth:4>: using module 'mod_auth_unix.c'
from authcache to authenticate user 'tom'
2015-07-20 17:24:38,398 [261] <auth:6>: dispatching auth request "check"
to module mod_auth_unix
2015-07-20 17:24:38,413 [261] <response:7>: error response added to
pending list: 530 Login incorrect.

Has anyone run across this type of auth issue for fido?  Are there some
other system logs that could point to why the mod_auth_unix.c module is
rejecting a valid user/pass combination.  The user was created by root
using the "adduser" command, has a valid shell in the passwd file and is
not a member of any group.  Any help would be greatly appreciated.

BTW: If I cannot find a solution, is it possible to use a recipe file from
dizzy to build an older version of proftpd (1.3.4b) in fido?  I tried
copying the old proftpd recipe dir into fido but bitbake always built the
new (1.3.5) version of proftpd.  If you could point me to an example that
would be great.

MACHINE ??= 'omnitek_mx287bd'
DISTRO ?= 'poky'
PACKAGE_CLASSES ?= "package_rpm"
EXTRA_IMAGE_FEATURES = "debug-tweaks"
USER_CLASSES ?= "buildstats image-mklibs image-prelink"
    STOPTASKS,${DL_DIR},1G,100K \
    ABORT,${TMPDIR},100M,1K \
    ABORT,${DL_DIR},100M,1K \
PACKAGECONFIG_append_pn-qemu-native = " sdl"
PACKAGECONFIG_append_pn-nativesdk-qemu = " sdl"
ASSUME_PROVIDED += "libsdl-native"
IMAGE_INSTALL_append = " packagegroup-fsl-tools-testapps
packagegroup-core-ssh-openssh proftpd"


DL_DIR ?= "${BSPDIR}/downloads/"

Thanks, David

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