[meta-freescale] PXP test applications

Eric Nelson eric.nelson at boundarydevices.com
Sat Apr 11 10:03:49 PDT 2015

Hi Carlos,

On 04/11/2015 09:30 AM, Carlos Rafael Giani wrote:
>> The "official repository" is the one inside the package....
>> There is nothing more I can help, sorry. I also failed on getting it
>> to work.
>> Daiane
> Which is a pity, because PxP seems to be partially broken in the kernel.
> That, or the headers contain a whole lot of formats that will be
> supported in the future, but aren't right now.
> A lot of source/destination format combinations produce erroneous
> content, just just plain black or green frames.
> I attached the results of my findings. I did the tests with
> gstreamer-imx (current master) , Yocto Fido, kernel linux-imx
> 3.14.28-1.0.0_ga+g91cf351 , on a Sabre SD DualLite with integrated
> touchscreen. Plain framebuffer, no X, no Wayland.
> The first matrix is the full version - I tried all formats with all
> formats. The second matrix is the one reduced to the subset that works
> best. Unfortunately, BGRx/RGB16 as source and UYVY as target format
> produce reversed colors, otherwise this would be a matrix with all
> combinations working. Also unfortunate is the fact that I420 didn't work
> at all as target format. Since the VPU expects I420 as input for
> encoding, PxP would have been useful as a single conversion step for
> some webcams that deliver Y42B data.
> If anybody can make sense about why PxP is so broken, I'd be happy to
> hear about it.

I can't comment on the state of the driver(s), but I can comment
on your tests and say "thanks"!

This e-mail should be bookmarked by anyone visiting the driver.

I hope we can test this out soon, but think it will have to wait
until we push forward to 3.14.28.



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